Please enter the title of the documentary, name of the boxer, name of the actor, the year, or other relevant keywords in the search window to generate archive results.

This archival category features documentary films that were made for theatrical as well as home video/DVD release, as well as some originally made for broadcast or cable television. In the majority of cases, if a boxing documentary was made for television broadcast as a “one-off,” and was not part of a documentary-style episodic television series, it will appear in the Documentary Movie Archive although it was technically a “TV program.” For example, both HBO’s Joe Louis for All-Time and Sugar Ray Robinson: The Bright Lights and Dark Shadows of a Champion appear in the Documentary Movie archive. Contrastingly, multi-episodic series, when featuring boxers, such as A&E Biography, Greatest Sports Legends, HBO’s Legendary Nights and Boxing’s Best, and ESPN 30 for 30 and ESPN Sports Century – although in documentary-style – appear in the Genome Television Archive. Similarly, the documentary-styled series such as 24/7, All Access, Fight Camp 360, and the contemporary, “2 Days:…” “Countdown to…,” “Road to….,” and “Inside…,” series are also found in the Television Archive. Since documentary content is often featured on both Television and in Film, it would be wise to check both the Movie and TV archives if you are looking for a specific entry and cannot find it in the first instance.


The entries in the Documentary portion of the movie archive are for the most part exclusively boxing content related, although you may find several exceptions in which a broader focus on sports, entertainment, politics, etc. is the thrust of the piece, and boxing is only a component.


The Documentary Movie Archive also contains some content featured on the Internet, particularly content posted on YouTube. Whereas the boxing documentary film was once easily identifiable, the variety of YouTube content has muddied the waters as to what should be included in this category. Suffice to say, this archive does include traditional documentary films posted on the Internet as well as some of the more useful documentary-style content produced specifically for the Internet. While the Internet has opened access to a greater amount of content, unfortunately, it is also a black hole for content. It contains a multitude of amateurishly produced pieces in both short and long-form. We have attempted to limit these inferior productions in our listings.




For this archive, you will find a column(s) for “viewing sources” listing certain codes indicating broadcasters who make content available for viewing. Items coded as PV or PV with a hyphenated suffix such as PV-HBO, or other designations such as Tubi and Hulu, etc. indicate the “channel” on which the movie appears. (Unlike the codes in the TV archive which are just a starting point for the possible availability of a specific episode in a series), because movies are a singular production, the listing of the specific movie indicates that the movie should be available from the broadcaster.




Am (Amazon), BBC America, Bravo Now

BVFF (Boxing Video Fight Finder), Crackle, FOX NOW, Hulu, IFCFU (IFC Films Unlimited)

Pluto (PlutoTV), PV (Prime Video), PV-Ameba, PV-BHD (Broadway HD), PV-AcornTV, PV-Best of BT (Best of British Television)

PV-BS (Brown Sugar), PV-BTE (Best TV Ever), PV-BWE (Best Western Ever), PV-Britbox, PV-CBS AA (CBS All Access)

PV-Cinemax, PV-CT (ConTV), PV-DC (Dove Channel), PV-DU (Destination Unknown), PV-Epix, PV-Fandor

PV-FM (Full Moon), PV-HBO, PV-His Vault (History Vault), PV-MT (Motor Trend), PV-MTV Hits, PV-Seeso

PV-SFTV (Shout! Factory TV), PV-SHO (Shotime), PV-SR (Strand Releasing), PV-Starz

PV-YA (Yoga Anytime), Tubi, UCN (Undisputed Champion Network), YT (YouTube), YT-P (a partial program on YouTube)




BVFF (Boxing Video Fight Finder) – BVFF possesses one of the World’s premiere collections of boxing movies. For more information about these films and other boxing content go to:


YT – Programs coded YT indicate they have been posted on YouTube. Postings on YouTube are regularly added and removed and our YT designation, as our other designations in the archive, reflect postings at the time of the creation of the archive. A caveat with YouTube (YT) is that often the postings are not listed under the official name of a program. They are often listed under key search words such as a fighter(s) name, or the movie star and this should be considered when searching YouTube.     


Note: the code designations are non-exclusive. The fact that a particular entry is not coded by the other designating parties, does not necessarily mean that they are not in possession of/ make available that content.