Click on the corresponding plus symbol to enter an archive. All archives can be scrolled through, and this is a good way to become familiar with the archival content and potential ways to search each archive.


Please enter a boxer’s name or a program title or other relevant key word in the search window to generate archive results.


Columns “F” & “G” include abbreviations for the source(s) which were used to verify the existence of the listed information. These sources are merely illustrative and are not necessarily exclusive. The key to the abbreviations of the sources is as follows:


YT (YouTube)
RGI (RadioGOLDINdex)
BC (Bill Cayton’s Prime Time Boxing)
RY (Radio Yesteryear)


Additionally, although not specifically annotated in this index, most of these broadcasts were verified through the director of this sub-archive, Mike Welch, who may be reached at, Attention: Mike Welch.


Please enter a boxer’s name or a program title or other relevant keywords in the search window to generate archive results.

Columns “E” & “F” include abbreviations for the source(s) which were used to verify the existence of the listed information. These sources are merely illustrative, and not necessarily exclusive. The key to the abbreviations of the sources is as follows:


RY (Radio Yesteryear)
VB (Vintage Broadcast)
MM (Media Max)
OTR (Old Time Radio)
MW (Mike Welch)


The following archive is non-searchable. To review, click in the window below to bring up the archive, and use the up and down arrows to move the pages forward or go to previous pages. This archive will be converted into a searchable database in the future.

[flipbook pdf=””]


The following archive is non-searchable. To review, please scroll through the document. This archive will be converted into a searchable database in the future.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Statue Archive” width=’max’ height=’max’]


Please enter an author’s last name or the book title or the year, or other relevant keywords in the search window to generate archive results.

See column A for the extant status of a book.


Please enter the title of the movie, name of the boxer, name of the actor, the year, or other relevant keywords in the search window to generate archive results.

The Movie Archive includes over 1,000 films and shorts produced throughout the world in the English language.


What constitutes a “boxing movie?” The answer to this question evokes a multitude of answers. For the purposes of this archive, we have included a full spectrum of movies that encompass a very broad definition of this term. However, because of this inclusivity, we have made a further designation that distinguishes movies that contain boxing content in some form but may otherwise not be considered to be boxing films per se, from those films in which boxing is central to the theme or plot of the film. The “partial boxing content” films are distinguished from the “true boxing film” by indicating “Y” for Yes, in the partial content column (column N). Of course, some of the films fall into a gray area and reasonable minds may differ on several of these films as to which category they properly belong. The distinction is made merely as a matter of convenience. Those who want to watch a boxing movie like Ali or Rocky will not be led astray by those of a lesser boxing pedigree. Conversely, those boxing and movie buffs who are looking for indicia of boxing’s social significance throughout film history, or who are interested in curios such as film stars on celluloid wearing boxing gloves for a fleeting moment can still have their fill with this archive.


At one end of the spectrum – movies with partial boxing content – again, coded as “Y” in column N (the “Boxing Partial” column) – you will find such films as: 1) those in which the protagonist was an ex-boxer: (On the Waterfront and The Quite Man); 2) movies which a clip of an actual fight was incorporated into the film (Dempsey-Tunney I); 3) a boxing match occurring on a television in the background of a scene (Barbarian’s at the Gate – The Tyson-Spinks fight); 4) various incidental scenes occurring in boxing gyms, with fighters training and/or sparring (numerous films). These are merely illustrative of the multitude of films with partial boxing content that appear in the Genome.


On the other end of the spectrum, the “true boxing” film contains the obvious films such as Requiem for a Heavyweight, Raging Bull, etc. Since boxing is really a subgenre of the traditional genres such as Biography, Drama, Comedy, Romance, Westerns, Musicals, Sci-Fi, etc., all genres are featured.  A musical such as A Kid from Brooklyn or a western such as City of Bad Men are no less a true boxing movie than the others because boxing is still a central theme or prominently featured in the film. Further, it is worth noting, that all of these genres and other can be found in this archive in both the “true boxing” film category and those designated as “partial boxing content” films.


When a fighters name is enumerated in this section of the movie archive, in the overwhelming majority of cases that fighter appears in the film. Exceptions to this rule include instances in which a fighter is listed despite not appearing in the movie because they are the subject matter of the film. This is frequently the case in biographical films such as The Joe Louis Story, The Great White Hope, The Great John L., etc.  


The overwhelming majority of the films in this archive focus on the traditional sport of boxing, although there are a number of films that fall into the “fist fighting” or “underground boxing” category. Several cross-over into other martial arts similar to boxing such as Muay Thai. These archives are in no way comprehensive as to these “sister,” non-traditional entries, and rightly so, as this is a boxing archive. 




For this archive, you will find a column(s) for “viewing sources” listing certain codes indicating broadcasters who make content available for viewing. Items coded as PV or PV with a hyphenated suffix such as PV-HBO, or other designations such as Tubi and Hulu, etc. indicate the “channel” on which the movie appears. (Unlike the codes in the TV archive which are just a starting point for the possible availability of a specific episode in a series), because movies are a singular production, the listing of the specific movie indicates that the movie should be available from the broadcaster.  




Am (Amazon), BBC America, Bravo Now

BVFF (Boxing Video Fight Finder), Crackle, FOX NOW, Hulu, IFCFU (IFC Films Unlimited)

Pluto (PlutoTV), PV (Prime Video), PV-Ameba, PV-BHD (Broadway HD), PV-AcornTV, PV-Best of BT (Best of British Television)

PV-BS (Brown Sugar), PV-BTE (Best TV Ever), PV-BWE (Best Western Ever), PV-Britbox, PV-CBS AA (CBS All Access)

PV-Cinemax, PV-CT (ConTV), PV-DC (Dove Channel), PV-DU (Destination Unknown), PV-Epix, PV-Fandor

PV-FM (Full Moon), PV-HBO, PV-His Vault (History Vault), PV-MT (Motor Trend), PV-MTV Hits, PV-Seeso

PV-SFTV (Shout! Factory TV), PV-SHO (Shotime), PV-SR (Strand Releasing), PV-Starz

PV-YA (Yoga Anytime), Tubi, UCN (Undisputed Champion Network), YT (YouTube), YT-P (a partial program on YouTube)




BVFF (Boxing Video Fight Finder) – BVFF possesses one of the World’s premiere collections of boxing movies. For more information about these films and other boxing content go to:


YT – Programs coded YT indicate they have been posted on YouTube. Postings on YouTube are regularly added and removed and our YT designation, as our other designations in the archive, reflect postings at the time of the creation of the archive. A caveat with YouTube (YT) is that often the postings are not listed under the official name of a program. They are often listed under key search words such as a fighter(s) name, or the movie star and this should be considered when searching YouTube.     


Note: the code designations are non-exclusive. The fact that a particular entry is not coded by the other designating parties, does not necessarily mean that they are not in possession of/ make available that content.  


Please enter the title of the documentary, name of the boxer, name of the actor, the year, or other relevant keywords in the search window to generate archive results.

This archival category features documentary films that were made for theatrical as well as home video/DVD release, as well as some originally made for broadcast or cable television. In the majority of cases, if a boxing documentary was made for television broadcast as a “one-off,” and was not part of a documentary-style episodic television series, it will appear in the Documentary Movie Archive although it was technically a “TV program.” For example, both HBO’s Joe Louis for All-Time and Sugar Ray Robinson: The Bright Lights and Dark Shadows of a Champion appear in the Documentary Movie archive. Contrastingly, multi-episodic series, when featuring boxers, such as A&E Biography, Greatest Sports Legends, HBO’s Legendary Nights and Boxing’s Best, and ESPN 30 for 30 and ESPN Sports Century – although in documentary-style – appear in the Genome Television Archive. Similarly, the documentary-styled series such as 24/7, All Access, Fight Camp 360, and the contemporary, “2 Days:…” “Countdown to…,” “Road to….,” and “Inside…,” series are also found in the Television Archive. Since documentary content is often featured on both Television and in Film, it would be wise to check both the Movie and TV archives if you are looking for a specific entry and cannot find it in the first instance.


The entries in the Documentary portion of the movie archive are for the most part exclusively boxing content related, although you may find several exceptions in which a broader focus on sports, entertainment, politics, etc. is the thrust of the piece, and boxing is only a component.


The Documentary Movie Archive also contains some content featured on the Internet, particularly content posted on YouTube. Whereas the boxing documentary film was once easily identifiable, the variety of YouTube content has muddied the waters as to what should be included in this category. Suffice to say, this archive does include traditional documentary films posted on the Internet as well as some of the more useful documentary-style content produced specifically for the Internet. While the Internet has opened access to a greater amount of content, unfortunately, it is also a black hole for content. It contains a multitude of amateurishly produced pieces in both short and long-form. We have attempted to limit these inferior productions in our listings.




For this archive, you will find a column(s) for “viewing sources” listing certain codes indicating broadcasters who make content available for viewing. Items coded as PV or PV with a hyphenated suffix such as PV-HBO, or other designations such as Tubi and Hulu, etc. indicate the “channel” on which the movie appears. (Unlike the codes in the TV archive which are just a starting point for the possible availability of a specific episode in a series), because movies are a singular production, the listing of the specific movie indicates that the movie should be available from the broadcaster.




Am (Amazon), BBC America, Bravo Now

BVFF (Boxing Video Fight Finder), Crackle, FOX NOW, Hulu, IFCFU (IFC Films Unlimited)

Pluto (PlutoTV), PV (Prime Video), PV-Ameba, PV-BHD (Broadway HD), PV-AcornTV, PV-Best of BT (Best of British Television)

PV-BS (Brown Sugar), PV-BTE (Best TV Ever), PV-BWE (Best Western Ever), PV-Britbox, PV-CBS AA (CBS All Access)

PV-Cinemax, PV-CT (ConTV), PV-DC (Dove Channel), PV-DU (Destination Unknown), PV-Epix, PV-Fandor

PV-FM (Full Moon), PV-HBO, PV-His Vault (History Vault), PV-MT (Motor Trend), PV-MTV Hits, PV-Seeso

PV-SFTV (Shout! Factory TV), PV-SHO (Shotime), PV-SR (Strand Releasing), PV-Starz

PV-YA (Yoga Anytime), Tubi, UCN (Undisputed Champion Network), YT (YouTube), YT-P (a partial program on YouTube)




BVFF (Boxing Video Fight Finder) – BVFF possesses one of the World’s premiere collections of boxing movies. For more information about these films and other boxing content go to:


YT – Programs coded YT indicate they have been posted on YouTube. Postings on YouTube are regularly added and removed and our YT designation, as our other designations in the archive, reflect postings at the time of the creation of the archive. A caveat with YouTube (YT) is that often the postings are not listed under the official name of a program. They are often listed under key search words such as a fighter(s) name, or the movie star and this should be considered when searching YouTube.     


Note: the code designations are non-exclusive. The fact that a particular entry is not coded by the other designating parties, does not necessarily mean that they are not in possession of/ make available that content.  


Please enter the title of the movie, name of the boxer, name of the actor, the year, or other relevant keywords in the search window to generate archive results.

All of these films are considered “non-boxing films” for the obvious reason that they do not feature boxing content. Their connection with boxing is the appearance of a boxer or boxing personality. This includes a boxer or ex-boxer, a promoter, trainer, broadcaster, etc. In the event that a film features a boxing personality and also features boxing content, the film is listed in the Boxing Movie Archive and not this archive. As we have not had access to all of these films, certain assumptions have been made regarding content based upon non-viewing information. If you do find boxing content in any of these films, please advise so that we can re-designate the film accordingly.       

All genres are featured in this archive, including but not limited to, Drama, Biographies, Romances, Westerns, Musicals, and Sci-Fi.




For this archive, you will find a column(s) for “viewing sources” listing certain codes indicating broadcasters who make content available for viewing. Items coded as PV or PV with a hyphenated suffix such as PV-HBO, or other designations such as Tubi and Hulu, etc. indicate the “channel” on which the movie appears. (Unlike the codes in the TV archive which are just a starting point for the possible availability of a specific episode in a series), because movies are a singular production, the listing of the specific movie indicates that the movie should be available from the broadcaster.




Am (Amazon), BBC America, Bravo Now

BVFF (Boxing Video Fight Finder), Crackle, FOX NOW, Hulu, IFCFU (IFC Films Unlimited)

Pluto (PlutoTV), PV (Prime Video), PV-Ameba, PV-BHD (Broadway HD), PV-AcornTV, PV-Best of BT (Best of British Television)

PV-BS (Brown Sugar), PV-BTE (Best TV Ever), PV-BWE (Best Western Ever), PV-Britbox, PV-CBS AA (CBS All Access)

PV-Cinemax, PV-CT (ConTV), PV-DC (Dove Channel), PV-DU (Destination Unknown), PV-Epix, PV-Fandor

PV-FM (Full Moon), PV-HBO, PV-His Vault (History Vault), PV-MT (Motor Trend), PV-MTV Hits, PV-Seeso

PV-SFTV (Shout! Factory TV), PV-SHO (Shotime), PV-SR (Strand Releasing), PV-Starz

PV-YA (Yoga Anytime), Tubi, UCN (Undisputed Champion Network), YT (YouTube), YT-P (a partial program on YouTube)




BVFF (Boxing Video Fight Finder) – BVFF possesses one of the World’s premiere collections of boxing movies. For more information about these films and other boxing content go to:


YT – Programs coded YT indicate they have been posted on YouTube. Postings on YouTube are regularly added and removed and our YT designation, as our other designations in the archive, reflect postings at the time of the creation of the archive. A caveat with YouTube (YT) is that often the postings are not listed under the official name of a program. They are often listed under key search words such as a fighter(s) name, or the movie star and this should be considered when searching YouTube.     


Note: the code designations are non-exclusive. The fact that a particular entry is not coded by the other designating parties, does not necessarily mean that they are not in possession of/ make available that content.  

Title (A)Year (B)Fighter 1 (C)Fighter 2 (D)FIghter 3 (E)Fighters cont. (F)Duration (G)2nd View (H)1st View (I)1st Actor (J)2nd Actor (K)
20122009Buffer, Michael158minPVCusack, JohnNewton, Thandie
12 Round Gun2017Ali, Laila92minPVJunior, Mark BooneVernon, Kate
13th Juror, The 1927Sharkey, Tom 60minNilsson, Anna Q.Bushman, Francis X.
2 by 41988McDonagh, Seamus90minSmallhorne, JimmyO'Neil, Chris
20,000 Men a Year1939Rosenbloom, Maxie84minScott, RandolphFoster, Preston
20th Century Fox Promotional Film1936McLaglen, Victor15min
3 Hikers2015Ali, Muhammad96minPVShroud, SarahBauer, Shane
30 Foot Bride of Candy Rock1959Callahan, MushySilvani, Al75minPVCostello, LouProvine, Dorothy
4 for Texas 1963Gambina, RalphGlick, JosephCallahan, MushyChissell, Noble Kid Parry, Harvey124minPVSinatra, FrankMartin, Dean
48 Hrs To Live1960Johansson, Ingemar100minSteel, AnthonyMalmsten, Birger
7 Days in Hell2015Lampley, Jim43minSamberg, AndyHarington, Kit
99 River Street1953Indrisano, John83minPVPayne, JohnKeyes, Evelyn
A Big Hand for the Little Lady1966Callahan, MushyChissell, Noble Kid95minPVFonda, HenryWoodward, Joanne
A Bullet for Joey1955Perry, Jack85minTubiRobinson, Edward G.Raft, George
A Canterbury Tale 1944Wells, Billy124minPVPortman, EricSim, Sheila
A Christmas Journey1996Frazier, Joe 90minHemsley, ShermanRobinson, Lance
A Damsel in Distress1937Moran, Frank101minPVAstaire, FredBurns, George
A Dash of Courage1916Kaufman, Al 20minGribbon, HarryWoodward, Guy
A Date with the Falcon1942Moran, Frank63minSanders, GeorgeBarrie, Wendy
A Devil with Women1930McLaglen, Victor64minMaris, MonaBogart, Humphrey
A Face in the Crowd 1957Cartier, Walter 126minPVGriffith, AndyNeal, Patricia
A Fight to the Finish1937Johnson, John Lester 58minTerry, DonKeith, Rosalind
A Fool and His Money 1989Torres, Jose84minBVFFPenny, JonathanOrange, Gerald
A Force of One 1979Malave, Chu Chu90minPVO'Neil, JenniferNorris, Chuck
A Foreign Affair 1948Steele, Freddie 116minYT
A Fugitive From Justice1940Roper, Jack53minPryor, RogerFairbanks, Lucile
A Girl in Every Port1928McLaglen, Victor78minAmArmstong, RobertBrooks, Louise
A Girl Yesterday1915Kaufman, Al Pickford, MaryPickford, Jack
A Glance Away1999Breland, Mark shortBarkan, Bridget Brown, Roger Aaron
A Gypsy Cavalier 1922Carpentier, Georgesle Breton, Flora McDougall, Lex
A House Is Not a Home1964Indrisano, John98minWinters, ShelleyTaylor, Robert
A Kid For Two Farthings 1955Carnera, Primo 96minYTJohnson, CeliaDors, Diana
A Likely Story1947Glick, JosephChissell, Noble Kid80minWilliams, BillHale, Barbara
A Man Betrayed1941Roper, Jack82minWayne, JohnDee, Francis
A Millionaire for Christy1951Indrisano, John91minMacMurray, FredParker, Eleanor
A Passport to Hell1932Johnson, John Lester 75minLandi, ElissaLukas, Paul
A Place to Grow1995Cooney, Gerry96minMorris, GaryKristofferson, Tracy
A Romance of Old Bagdad1922McLaglen, VictorBellamy, GeorgeDacia, Clynne
A Sailor Tramp1922McLaglen, VictorGurney, KateJohnson, Pauline
A Santa For Christmas 1957Mills, Freddie 90minAngers, AvrilAskey, Anthea
A Scream in the Night 1935Johnson, John Lester 58minInce, JohnTazil, Zarah
A Star Is Born1937Parry, Harvey111minPlutoGaynor, JanetMarch, Fredric
A Star is Born1954Glick, Joseph154minPVGarland, JudyMason, James
A Trip Thru a Hollywood Studio 1935Fields, Jackie10minAmRay, WilliamAylesworth, Arthur
A Winner Never Quits 1986Silvani, Al105minCarradine, KeithWinningham, Mare
A Woman's Man1934Perry, Jack70minPVHaliday, JohnDe La Motte, Marguerite
A Woman's Way 1912Smith, Gunboat Selbie, Evelyn
A Women Under the Influence1974Barbi, Vincent155minPVRowlands, GenaFalk, Peter
Aaron Loves Angela 1975Brown, Drew Bundini 99minPVGunn, Moses Hooks, Kevin
Abbott and Costello in the Foreign Legion1950Roper, Jack80minAmAbbott, BudCostello, Lou
Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde1953Chissell, Noble Kid76minAmAbbott, BudCostello, Lou
Abbott and Costello Meet The Keystone Cops 1954Rosenbloom, Maxie 80minBVFFAbbott & CostelloKeystone Cops
Abduct2016O'Halloran, Jack 88minGuillory, SiennaDavis, William B.
Abductors, The1957McLaglen, Victor80minMacready, GeorgeSpain, Fay
Abe Lincoln in Illinois1940Chissell, Noble Kid110minPVMassey, RaymondLockhart, Gene
About Mr. Leslie1954Perry, Jack104minBooth, ShirleyRyan, Robert
Ace Ventura Pet Detective 1994Cobb, Randall Tex85minBVFFCarrey, JimYoung, Sean
Action U.S.A.1989Holmes, Larry89minScott, GregoryHubbard, William
Adjust Your Color: The Truth of Petey Greene2008Leonard, Sugar Ray60minPV
Adventure in Baltimore1949Indrisano, John89minYoung, RobertTemple, Shirley
Adventures of Gallant Bess1948Bloom, Phil71minPVMitchell, CameronLong, Audrey
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The 1960Moore, Archie 107minPVBVFFRandall, TonyHodges, Eddie
Adventures of the Texas Kid: Border Ambush1954Chissell, Noble KidHooker, HughLaurenz, John
Affair with a Stranger1953Indrisano, John87minSimmons, JeanMature, Victor
Affairs of Julie, The 1957Schmeling, Max106minAmPulver, LiselotteHubschmid, Paul
Africa Screams 1949Baer, BuddyBaer, Max79minPVAbbott, BudCostello, Lou
After Party: The Last Party 32011King, Don64minBenjamin, AndreBenjamin, Mark
After the Thin Man1936Chissell, Noble KidParry, Harvey112minPVPowell, DickLoy, Myrna
Aftermath, The 1982Barbi, Vincent95minPVBarkett, SteveMargulies, Lynne
Air Force 1943Steele, Freddie124minPVGarfield, JohnRidgely, John
AKA Private2011Mancini, Ray97minPVStallone, Frank
Al Capone 1959Silvani, Al104minPVSteiger, Rod Balsam, Martin
Albuquerque1948Chissell, Noble Kid90minAmScott, RandolphBritton, Barbara
Alex Higgins: The People's Champion2010McGuigan, BarryHearn, Barry60minNesbitt, James
Alex Joseph and His Wives 1977Chissell, Noble Kid100minJoseph, Alex
Ali Baba Goes to Town1937McLaglen, Victor81minCantor, EddieMartin, Tony
Alias Jesse James1959Chissell, Noble KidBloom, Phil92minPVHope, BobFleming, Rhonda
Alias the Champ1949Lennon, Sr., Jimmy60minRockwell, RobertFuller, Barbara
All Mine to Give1957Chissell, Noble Kid103minPVJohns, GlynisMitchell, Cameron
All the Young Men 1960Johansson, Ingemar87minBVFFLadd, AlanPoitier, Sidney
All Through the Night 1942Chissell, Noble Kid107minPVBogart, HumphreyVeidt, Conrad
All You've Got 2006Ali, Laila95minAmHoughton, AdrienneWright, Sarah
Allergic to Love1944Rosenbloom, Maxie60minO'Driscoll, MarthaBeery, Jr., Noah
Alligator Alley a/k/a The Hooked Generation1968Pastrano, Willie92minBVFFSlate, JeremyAlaimo, Steve
Alpha Dog 2006Vargas, Fernando122minBVFFHirsch, Emile Timberlake, Justin
Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse, The1938Rosenbloom, Maxie87minPVBVFFRobinson, Edward G.Bogart, Humphrey
Ambushers, The 1967Indrisano, John102minPVMartin, DeanBerger, Senta
American Crime 2004Palomino, Carlos92minCook, Rachael LeeElwes, Cary
American Gangster 2007Mercante, Sr., ArthurPV-StarzWashington, DenzilCrowe, Russell
American Judoka2009Duran, Jacob Stitch56minAndreas, AdrianaBadal, Debie
An Affair to Remember1957Simms, Eddie 115minPVGrant, CaryKerr, Deborah
Angel on My Shoulder1980Aragon, Art 100minStrauss, Peter Kiley, Richard
Angel, Johnny1945Indrisano, John79minRaft, GeorgeTrevor, Claire
Angel's Holiday1937Moran, Frank76minWithers, JaneDavis, Joan
Angels Over Broadway1940Roper, Jack79minAmFairbanks, Jr., DouglasHayworth, Rita
Annabelle's Affairs1931McLaglen, Victor76minMacDonald, JeanetteYoung, Roland
Another Face1935Roper, JackIndrisano, John69minFord, WallaceDonlevy, Brian
Another Thin Man1939Moran, Frank103minPVPowell, WilliamLoy, Myrna
Anthony Adverse 1936Johnson, John Lester 141minMarch, Fredricde Havilland, Olivia
April Showers1923McCoy, Kid60minMoore, ColleenHarlan, Kenneth
Arizona Streak, The 1926Smith, Gunboat Tyler, TomHewston, Alfred
Around the World in 80 days 1956Glick, JosephBloom, PhilMcLaglen, VictorChissell, Noble Kid167minAmNiven, DavidMacLaine, Shirley
Arthur 2011Holyfield, Evander110minBVFFBrand, RussellMirren, Helen
Ask the OPA 1945Lee, Canadashort
Assignment Survive1988Barbi, VincentChristian, MichaelMarina, Joseph
Astro-Zombies, The 1968Barbi, Vincent92minAmCorey, WendellCarradine, John
Athena1954Chissell, Noble Kid95minPVPowell, JanePurdom, Edmund
Atlantic City Holiday1956Graziano, Rocky90minBeecher, FrannyBergen, Polly
Avengers, The 1942Wells, Billy98minWilliams, HughJones, Griffith
B.B. King: Live in Africa1974Ali, MuhammadKing, Don43minPVKing, B.B.
Baby and the Battleship, The 1956Barbi, Vincent96minMills, JohnAttenborough, Richard
Baby Face Harrington1935Moran, Frank62minButterworth, CharlesMerkel, Una
Back in the Saddle1941Indrisano, John73minAmAutry, GeneBurnette, Smiley
Backfire1950Van, Frankie91minLinfors, VicecaClark, Dane
Backmanns-You've Got Male, The 2012Tyson, MikeshortBrown, ReggieDelaney, Rob
Backstreet Dreams 1990Mancini, Ray 96minBVFFShields, BrookeO'Malley, James
Bad Boy1935Moran, Frank56minDunn, JamesWilson, Dorothy
Bad Boys II2003Briggs, Shannon147minPVSmith, Will Lawrence, Martin
Bad Frank2017Mancini, Ray103minIMDBInterdonato, KevinClayton, Amanda
Badman's Territory1946Bloom, Phil97minPVScott, RandolphRichards, Ann
Badmen of Tombstone1949Chissell, Noble Kid75minSullivan, BarryReynolds, Marjorie
Bailey Experience, The 2019Lewis, LennoxCostas, Bob
Balls of Fury2007Lampley, Jim90minPVFogler, DanWalken, Christopher
Baltimore Bullet1980O'Halloran, Jack 103minCoburn, JamesSharif, Omar
Bamboo Prison, The 1954Callahan, Mushy79minFrancis, RobertFoster, Dianne
Bananas1971Dunphy, DonPVAllen, WoodyLasser, Louise
Band Wagon, The 1953Simms, Eddie 112minPVAstaire, FredCharisse, Cyd
Bank Dick, The 1940Roper, JackVan, Frankie72minAmFields, W.C.Witherspoon, Cora
Bannerline1951Bloom, Phil87minBrasselle, KeefeForest, Sally
Barefoot in the Park1967Indrisano, John106minPVRedford, RobertFonda, Jane
Baron of Arizona, The 1950Bloom, PhilChissell, Noble Kid97minPrice, VincentDrew, Ellen
BASEketball1998Lampley, Jim103minPVParker, TreyStone, Matt
Bashful Buccaneer1925Sharkey, Tom Smith, Gunboat Howes, ReedDwan, Dorothy
Bashful Experiment, The 1962Baer, Buddy82minMcGowan, Molly
Batman: The Movie1966Barbi, Vincent105minPVWest, AdamWard, Burt
Battle of the Broadway1938Moran, FrankMcLaglen, Victor84minMcLaglen, VictorDonlevy, Brian
Be a Man 2016Pazienza, Vinnie 98minPVHarrington, RayFurtado, Derek
Beach Boy Rebels1969Pastrano, Willie Bedell, RodneyPhilbin, Walter R.
Beat Generation, The 1959Rosenbloom, Maxie95minCochran, SteveDoren, Mamie Van
Beatles Revolution, The 2000Lampley, Jim120min
Beau Geste1926McLaglen, Victor101minColman, RonaldHamilton, Neil
Beau Geste1939Bloom, Phil112minAmCooper, GaryMilland, Ray
Beggars of Life 1928Parry, Harvey100minAmBeery, WallaceBrooks, Louise
Begger's Opera 1953Wells, Billy94minPVOlivier, LaurenceGriffith, Hugh
Behind the Gate2013Lampley, Jim88minPVBaffert, BobLo Duca, Paul
Behind the News1940Moran, Frank75minNolan, LloydDavenport, Doris
Bellboy, The 1960Rosenbloom, Maxie72minPVLewis, JerryGerry, Alex
Belle of the Yukon1944Moran, FrankPerry, Jack83minPVScott, RandolphLee, Gypsy Rose
Bells Are Ringing1960Indrisano, John126minPVHoliday, JudyMartin, Dean
Bells of Rosarita1945Parry, Harvey68minPVRogers, RoyHayes, George Gabby
Beloved Brute, The 1924McLaglen, VictorDe La Motte, MargueriteRussell, William
Beloved Imposter 1936Wells, Billy86minRay, ReneConyngham, Fred
Beloved Infidel1960Chissell, Noble Kid143minPVPeck, GregoryKerr, Deborah
Bench, The 2017Duddy, John 18minPVAlbretch, MarkCatherine, Phoenix
Bengazi1955McLaglen, Victor79minConte, RichardCarlson, Richard
Best Man, The 1964Chissell, Noble KidIndrisano, John102minAmFonda, HenryRobertson, Cliff
Best Things in Life Are Free, The 1956Galento, Tony 104minMacRae, GordonDailey, Dan
Betty of Greystone 1916McCoy, Kid50minGish, DorothyMoore, Owen
Beware Spooks!1939Moran, Frank65minBrown, Joe E.Carlisle, Mary
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt 1956Chissell, Noble Kid80minPVAndrews, DanaFontaine, Joan
Beyond the Game2016Ali, Laila88minRoberts, EricTrejo, Danny
Big Bang, The 1989Torres, Jose 81minAstner, EmmaBoyd, Miss
Big Chase, The 1954Chissell, Noble Kid60minAmLangan, GlennJergens, Adele
Big City1937Fields, JackieRosenbloom, Maxie80minYTTracy, SpencerRainer, Luise
Big Fisherman, The 1959Callahan, MushyBloom, PhilPerry, Jack180minKeel, HowardSaxton, John
Big Foot1970Chissell, Noble Kid84minPVCarradine, JohnLansing, Joi
Big Guy, The 1939Moran, FrankMcLaglen, Victor78minMcLaglen, VictorCooper, Jackie
Big Mouth, The 1967La Starza, Roland107minLewis, JerryStone, Harold J.
Big Sky, The 1952Baer, Buddy Perry, Jack140minBVFFDouglas, KirkMartin, Dewey
Big Sleep, The 1946Perry, Jack114minPVBogart, HumphreyBacall, Lauren
Big Stan 2007Goosen, Joe Corrales, Diego Chico 105minPVScheider, RonCarradine, David
Big Street, The 1942Moran, FrankPerry, JackIndrisano, John88minPVFonda, HenryBall, Lucille
Big Trees, The1952Perry, Jack89minPlutoDouglas, KirkMiller, Eva
Big Wheel1930Dempsey, Jack
Big Wheel, The1949Perry, Jack92minPVRooney, MickeyMitchell, Thomas
Birdman of Alcatraz1962Callahan, MushyVan, FrankieChissell, Noble KidIndrisano, John147minPVLancaster, BurtMalden, Karl
Black and White 2000Tyson, Mike 98minBVFFDowney, Jr., Robert Shields, Brooke
Black Angel 1946Steele, Freddie 81minPVDuryea, DanVincent, June
Black Belt Jones1974Barbi, Vincent85minPVKelly, JimHendry, Gloria
Black Castle, The 1952Perry, Jack82minAmGreene, RichardKarloff, Boris
Black Fury1935Roper, Jack94minPVMuni, PaulMorley, Karen
Black Gold1962Glick, JosephBarbi, VincentChissell, Noble Kid98minPVCarey, PhilipMcBain, Diane
Black Hat 2015Bentt, Michael133minPVHemsworth, ChrisDavis, Viola
Black Legion1937Chissell, Noble Kid83minPVBogart, HumphreySheridan, Ann
Black Orchid, The 1958Indrisano, John96minPVLoren, SophiaQuinn, Anthony
Black People Hate Me and They Hate My Glasses2000Bentt, Michael12minGurland, AndrewThompson, Al
Black Rodeo1972Ali, Muhammad87minWycoff, ArchieGonzalez, Clarence
Black Sheep1921Kaufman, Al 50minHart, Neal Brooks, Ted
Black Thunderbolt1922Johnson, Jack
Black Watch, The 1929McLaglen, Victor93minPVLoy, MyrnaTorrence, David
Blackbeard, the Pirate1952Perry, Jack99minPVNewton, RobertDarnell, Linda
Blackbeard's Ghost 1968Nova, LouChissell, Noble Kid106minPVUstinov, PeterJones, Dean
Blackbird, The 1975Silvani, Al110minSegal, George Audran, Stephane
Blackjack Ketchum, Desperado1956Chissell, Noble Kid76minDuff, HowardJory, Victor
Blades of Glory2007Lampley, Jim93minPVFerrell, WillHeder, Jon
Blazing Saddles1974Parry, HarveyVan, Frankie93minPVLittle, CleavonWilder, Gene
Blind Fury 1990Cobb, Randall Tex86minBVFFHauer, RutgerO'Quinn, Terry
Blob, The1958Barbi, Vincent86minPVMcQueen, SteveCorsaut, Aneta
Blood Orgy of the She Devils 1973Barbi, Vincent73minTubiZaborin, LilaIzay, Victor
Blood Savage 1990Holyfield, EvanderDuva, Lou 98minPVBVFFNelson, DannyBirdsong, Lori
Blue 2009Bentt, Michael98minWallace, DonDavid, Keith
Blue Bottles 1928Beckett, Joe26minYTLanchester, ElsaLaughton, Charles
Blueprint for Robbery1961Indrisano, John87minPVO'Malley, Pat J.Wilke, Robert J.
B-Mo & C-Mo Take On Las Vegas2017Bayless, Kenny 126minStephens, Marlon MoneyMoore, Bryan
Boatswain's Mate1924McLaglen, VictorshortButt, JohnnyTurner, Florence
Bobby Deerfield 1977Silvani, Al124minAmPacino, AlKeller, Marthe
Bodyguard1948Indrisano, John62minAmTierney, LawrenceLane, Priscilla
Bombshell1933Carnera, Primo96minPVHarlow, JeanTracy, Lee
Bonnie's Kids 1972Lewis, Hedgemon105minPVBolling, TiffanySandor, Steve
Bonzo Goes to College1952Van, Frankie80minO'Sullivan, MaureenGwenn, Edmund
Boogie Man Will Get You, The 1942Rosenbloom, Maxie 66minAmBVFFKarloff, BorisLorre, Peter
Border Treasure1950Chissell, Noble Kid60minHolt, TimNigh, Jane
Borderline1950Indrisano, John88minPVMacMurray, FredTrevor, Claire
Born to Battle 1927Sharkey, Tom 46minCody, Bill Luddy, Barbara
Born to Sing1942Perry, Jack82minWeidler, VirginiaMcDonald, Ray
Boston Blackie's Chinese Venture 1949Chissell, Noble Kid59minMorris, Chester Maylia
Boy Friend1939Moran, Frank70minWithers, JaneWhelan, Arleen
Boys Behind the Desk, The 2000Antofuermo, Vito Albano, LouArmstrong, Jack
Braker 1985Cobb, Randall Tex90minWeathers, CarlBottoms, Joseph
Brand: A Second Coming2015Tyson, Mike100minPVBrand, Russell
Breakaway 1956Mills, Freddie 72minPVConway, TomBalfour, Michael
Breakheart Pass 1976Moore, Archie 95minBVFFBronson, CharlesJohnson, Ben
Breakout, The 2008Lennon, Jr., JimmyBarnett, JoshBaszler, Shayna Andrea
Bride for Sale 1949Baer, MaxIndrisano, John87minColbert, ClaudetteYoung, Robert
Bright Eyes1934Moran, Frank85minPVTemple, ShirleyDunn, James
Broadway Big Shot 1942Roper, Jack59minByrd, RalphVale, Virginia
Broadway Highlights No.1 1935Baer, MaxHusing, Ted 10minHusing, Ted
Broadway Limited1941McLaglen, Victor75minPVWoodworth, MarjorieO'Keefe, Dennis
Broken Blossoms 1919McCoy, Kid90minBVFFPickford, Mary
Broken Strings1942Johnson, John Lester 60minMuse, ClarenceLewis, Sybil
Brother Orchid1940Moran, Frank88minPVRobinson, Edward G.Bogart, Humphrey
Brute Force 1947Bloom, PhilPerry, Jack98minPVLancaster, BurtCronyn, Hume
Buccaneer's Girl1950Perry, JackBloom, Phil77minPVDe Carlo, YvonneFriend, Philip
Buck Privates 1941Van, Frankie84minAmAbbott, BudCostello, Lou
Bucking the Line 1921McCoy, Kid50minFlynn, Maurice LeftyMalone, Molly
Buckskin Frontier 1943Baer, Max75minBVFFDix, RichardWyatt, Jane
Bud Abbott Lou Costello Meet the Killer Boris Karloff1949Van, Frankie84minAbbott, BudCostello, Lou
Bullet 1996Mancini, Ray Rourke, Mickey91min BVFFRourke, MickeySanger, Frank
Bullets or Ballots 1936Johnson, John Lester 82minRobinson, Edward G.Blondell, Joan
Bunny and Clod1970Barbi, Vincent62minBates, BillyBrock, Joe
Burly Man Chronicles, The 2004Jones, Jr., Roy95minAaliyahAbbello, Phillip
Bury Me Dead1947Perry, Jack68minAmO'Donnell, CathyLockhart, June
Butch Minds the Baby 1942Moran, Frank75minBruce, VirginiaCrawford, Broderick
Buy and Cell 1988Cobb, Randall Tex95minBVFFCarradine, Robert Windslow, Michael
Caddy, The1953Indrisano, JohnPerry, Jack95minPVMartin, DeanLewis, Jerry
Cain Time Live2012Tyson, MikeshortCain, Herman
Calendar Girl 1947Nova, LouMcLaglen, Victor88minPVFrazee, JaneMarshall, William
Call of the Wild1935Moran, Frank89minPVGable, ClarkYoung, Loretta
Call Out the Marines1942McLaglen, Victor68minLowe, EdmundBarnes, Binnie
Callaway Went Thataway1951Indrisano, John81minMacMurray, FredMcGuire, Dorothy
Callejero2015Palomino, Carlos105minPVSantander, MartinHernandez, Manny M.
Calling Northside 7771948Steele, Freddie 112minAMStewart, James Conte, Richard
Canadian Pacific1949Perry, Jack95minScott, RandolphWyatt, Jane
Candidate, The 1972Ortega, Rudy 110minPVRedford, Robert Boyle, Peter
Candy 1968Robinson, Sugar Ray BVFFAulin, EwaBurton, Richard
Cannibal Attack1954Perry, Jack69minWeissmuller, JohnnyWalsh, Judy
Can't Help Singing1944Steele, Freddie 90minDurbin, DeannaPaige, Robert
Capital Punishment 1925Sharkey, Tom 67minBow, Clara Hackathorne, George
Capone1975Barbi, Vincent91minPVGazzara, BenBlakely, Susan
Captain Caution1940Perry, Jack86minMature, VictorPlatt, Louise
Captain Fury 1939Moran, FrankMcLaglen, Victor92minAherne, BrianMcLaglen, Victor
Captain Hates the Sea, The1934McLaglen, Victor93minGibson, WynneSkipworth, Alison
Captain Kidd's Treasure1938Roper, Jack10minAndrews, SidneyBoteler, Wade
Captain Lash1929McLaglen, VictorWindsor, ClaireWinton, Jane
Captain Pirate1952Perry, Jack85minAmHayward, LouisMedina, Patricia
Captain Scarface1953Perry, Jack72minPVMacLane, BartonGrey, Virginia
Career1959Indrisano, John105minMartin, DeanFranciosa, Anthony
Carefree1938Moran, Frank83minAmAstaire, FredRogers, Ginger
Carib Gold1957Wallace, Coley71minWaters, EthelDawson, Peter
Carnival1921McLaglen, VictorLang, MathesonNovello, Ivor
Carolina Moon1940Bloom, Phil65minAutry, GeneBurnette, Smiley
Carpetbaggers, The 1961Moore, Archie 150minPVBVFFPeppard, GeorgeLadd, Alan
Carrie1952Perry, Jack118minPVOlivier, LaurenceJones, Jennifer
Carry on Constable 1960Mills, Freddie AmSidney, James Williams, Kenneth
Cartel, 18822007Camacho, Hector 87minGregory, MichaelEasterbrook, Leslie
Casanovas Big Night 1954Carnera, Primo 86minBVFFHope, BobFontaine, Joan
Cass2008Bruno, FrankAnozie, NonsoBrocker, Gavin
Castle on the Hudson1940Moran, FrankJohnson, John Lester77minPVGarfield, JohnSheridan, Ann
Casualties of War: Women and the Regime2017Jones, Jr., Roy90minAbernathey, CJBeck, Kristi
Cat Ballou1965Chissell, Noble Kid97minPVFonda, HenryMarvin, Lee
Caught with the Goods1917Kaufman, Al 10minGibson, HarryJorgens, Alice
Cauliflower Cupid1970Graziano, RockyLa Motta, JakePep, WillieZale, Tony DeMarco, Paddy Scalzo, Petey91minRussell, JaneSavage, Peter
Celebrity1928Perry, Jack70minArmstrong, RobertCook, Clyde
Chain of Events 1958Mills, Freddie Walsh, DermotShaw, Susan
Challenge of a Lifetime1985Lampley, Jim100minPVMarshall, PennyGilliland, Richard
Challenge of Chance, The 1919Willard, Jess 70minPretty, ArleneHart, Al
Champs Step Out, The Rosenbloom, Maxie Baer, Max 16minYTWilles, JeanSitka, Emil
Change of Heart 1934Moran, Frank77minGaynor, JanetFarrell, Charles
Charge of the Lancers1954Indrisano, John73minAmGoddard, PauletteAumont, Jean-Pierre
Charlie 2017Duddy, John Corominas, OmarSpringle, Tiffany
Charlie Chan in Reno1939Perry, Jack71minAmToler, SidneyCortez, Ricardo
Chasing Miracles2011Foreman, George68minButler, CindyButler, Hugh
Cheyenne Social Club, The 1970Chissell, Noble Kid103minPVStewart, JamesFonda, Henry
Chicago Confidential1957Indrisano, John75minPVKeith, BrianGarland, Beverly
China Girl1942McLaglen, Victor95minTierney, GeneMontgomery, George
China Salesman2017Tyson, Mike110minPVLi, Dong-xue
Chinatown Mystery, The 1928Moran, Frank200minBonomo, JoeHiatt, Ruth
Chip Off the Old Block 1944Cartier, Walter 71minO'Connor, Donald Ryan, Peggy
Chivato1961La Motta, Jake
Chooch2003Mancini, Ray 81minBVFFSialiano, JohnTomczyk, Lucille
Chris Brown: Welcome To My Life2017Tyson, Mike80minPVBrown, Chris
Christmas Eve 1947Indrisano, John90minRaft, GeorgeBrent, George
Christmas in July1940Moran, Frank67minAmPowell, DickDrew, Ellen
Cimarron1960Bloom, PhilPerry, Jack147minPVFord, GlennSchell, Maria
Cincinnati Kid, The 1965Indrisano, JohnChissell, Noble Kid102minPVMcQueen, SteveAnn-Margaret
Citizen Trump2015Tyson, Mike60minTrump, Donald
City Beneath the Sea 1953Garland, Tommy87minRyan, Robert Powers, Maia
City Beneath the Sea 1971Robinson, Ray98minPVWhitman, StuartForsyth, Rosemary
City Gone Wild, The 1927Smith, Gunboat 60minMeighan, ThomasMilner, Marietta
City Heat1984Fillipo, Lou93minPVReynolds, Burt Eastwood, Clint
City of Shadows1955McLaglen, Victor70minBaer, JohnCrowley, Kathleen
City Without Men1943Perry, Jack75minPVDarnell, LindaBuchanan, Edgar
Clipped Wings 1953Nova, Lou65minGorcey, LeoHall, Huntz
Clones, The1973Chissell, Noble Kid95minPVGreene, MichaelSierra, Gregory
Cloudburst 1922Wells, Billy
Coast Patrol, The 1925Sharkey, Tom 63minYTMacDonald, KennethLorez, Claire de
Cock-Eyed World, The 1929McLaglen, Victor118minPVLowe, EdmundDamita, Lili
Code of Vengence 1985Cobb, Randall Tex120minTaylor, Charles Gray, Erin
Collateral 2004Bentt, Michael120minPVCruise, TomFoxx, Jamie
Collector's Item: The Left Fist of David1957Parry, Harvey25minshortPrice, VincentLorre, Peter
College Confidential 1960Marciano, Rocky91minBVFFMeadows, JayneAllen, Steve
Collision Course 1989Cobb, Randall Tex100minPV-HBOMorita, Pat Leno, Jay
Color Purple, The 1985Tillis, James QuickBrown, Drew Bundini154minBVFFGlover, DannyGoldberg, Whoopi
Comanche Territory1950Bloom, PhilPerry, Jack76minAmO'Hara, MaureenCarey, Macdonald
Come Blow Your Horn1963Silvani, AlIndrisano, John112minPVSinatra, FrankCobb, Lee J.
Come On, Leathernecks!1938Chissell, Noble Kid65minCromwell, RichardHunt, Marsha
Comedy Man, The 1964Mills, Freddie More, KennethParker, Cecil
Comedy of Terrors, The 1963Parry, Harvey84minPVPrice, VincentLorre, Peter
Coming Out Party1934Moran, Frank80minDee, FrancesRaymond, Gene
Comrades of Summer, The 1992Lampley, Jim90minMantegna, JoeNegoda, Natalya
Concerning Mr. Martin1937Wells, Billy59minBarrett, WilsonDevlin, William
Coney Island1928Bloom, PhilPerry, JackWilson, LoisCastro, Rosa
Confessions of a Hitman1994Barbi, Vincent93minRemar, JamesWright, Michael
Confessions of a Psyco Cat 1968La Motta, Jake 69minBVFFLord, EileenGarrabrandt, Ed
Confessions of an Opium Eater 1962Barbi, Vincent85minPVPrice, VincentHo, Linda
Conquest of Space1955Parry, Harvey81minPVBrooke, WalterFleming, Eric
Contrast of Evil 2013O'Halloran, Jack 26minAmos, JohnFisher-Becker, Simon
Convicted1950Perry, Jack91minFord, GlennCrawford, Broderick
Convicts 4 1962La Starza, RolandBarbi, Vincent105minAmGazzara, Ben Whitman, Stuart
Cooking Up Trouble 1944Baer, Max
Cookout 2, The 2011Tyson, Mike75minAnderson, Ambre
Corner Man, The 2015Jones, Jr., Roy100minT.I.
CornerStore 2011Hearns, Thomas 94minPVLamont, Lawrence
Corpse Grinders, The 1971Barbi, Vincent72minPVKenney, SeanKelly, Monika
Corpse Vanishes, The 1942Moran, Frank64minPVLugosi, BelaWalters, Luana
Corvette K-2251943Steele, Freddie98minScott, RandolphBrown, James
Cottonpickin Chickenpickers1967Rosenbloom, Maxie92minReeves, DelLewis, Hugh X.
Counterfeit1936Moran, Frank73minMorris, ChesterGrahame, Margot
Country Music Holiday1958Graziano, Rocky81minHusky, FerlinGabor, Zsa Zsa
Court Jester, The 1955Bloom, Phil91minPVKaye, DannyJohns, Glynis
Crack-Up1946Moran, FrankIndrisano, John93minO'Brien, PatTrevor, Claire
Craig's Wife1936Van, Frankie73minRussell, RosalindBoles, John
Crazy Nights1944Rosenbloom, Maxie63minGilbert, BillyHoward, Shemp
Crime of Dr. Forbes, The 1936Parry, Harvey75minStuart, GloriaKent, Robert
Criminal Court 1946Indrisano, John60minAmConway, TomO'Driscoll, Martha
Criminal Hearts 1996Palomino, Carlos92minDillon, KevinLocane, Amy
Criminal Passion 1994Palomino, Carlos96minSererance, JoanDenison, Tony
Crimson Circle, The 1922McLaglen, Victor50minBoyne, CliftonBurleigh, Bertram
CrissCross1992Martin, Christy100minAmHawn, GoldieHoward, Arliss
Critical Condition 1987Cobb, Randall Tex97minPV-SHOPryor, Richard Ticotin, Rachel
Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles2001Tyson, Mike92minPVHogan, PaulKozlowski Linda
Crooklyn Dodgers: Crooklyn1994Tyson, Mike5minJordan, Michael
Cross Fire1933Perry, Jack55minKeene, TomFurness, Betty
Cross Trails 1921Kaufman, Al Morrison, PeteRalston, Esther
Cruel Tower, The 1956Indrisano, John79minEricson, JohnBlanchard, Mari
Cruise of Hellion, The 1927Sharkey, Tom 70minKeith, Donald Murphy, Edna
Cry the Beloved Country 1951Lee, Canada103minPoitier, SidneyCarson, Charles
Crystal's Shadow2019O'Halloran, Jack 87minPVArnold, MarkBell, Art
Cult of the Cobra1955Perry, Jack82minAmDomergue, FaithLong, Richard
Curse of the Undead 1959Van, Frankie79minFleming, EricPate, Michael
Cutter1972Moore, Archie73minDe Anda, PeterMitchell, Cameron
Cyrano de Bergerac1950Perry, Jack113minPVFerrer, JosePowers, Mala
D.A.: Conspiracy to Kill1971Gambina, Ralph120minConrad, Robert Conrad, William
Da Block Party 2004Jones, Jr., Roy70minAnders, TroyMitchell, Delano
Daddyfox2000Conteh, John131minHancock, Martin
Dakota1945Roper, JackChissell, Noble Kid82minPVWayne, JohnRalston, Vera
Damn Citizen1958Dempsey, Jack88minAndes, KeithHayes, Margaret
Damn Yankees1958Glick, Joseph111minPVHunter, TabVerdon, Gwen
Dance of the Dwarfs aka Jungle Heat1983Palomino, Carlos 93minYTFonda, PeterRaffin, Deborah
Danny Boy: The Ballad That Bewitched the World2013McGuigan, Barry59min
Dante's Inferno1935Moran, Frank89minTracy, SpencerTrevor, Claire
Daring Young Man, The 1935Perry, Jack73minDunn, JamesClarke, Mae
Dark Blue2002Bentt, Michael118minPV-SHORussell, Kurt Rhames, Ving
Dark Command1940Chissell, Noble Kid94minPVTrevor, ClaireWayne, John
Dark Horses and Underdogs2012Lampley, Jim60min
Dead Ringer 1964Glick, Joseph116minPVDavis, BetteMalden, Karl
Deadly Bet 1992Mancini, Ray 92minWincott, JeffLeigh, Steven Vincent
Deadly Hero 1975Malave, Chu Chu102minPVMurray, DonWilliams,Diahn
Death Match 1994Palomino, CarlosJacklin, IanKove, Martin
Death of a Dynasty 2003Bowe, Riddick 92minPVMoss-Bachrach, Ebon Stapleton, Robert
Death of a Gunfighter1969Chissell, Noble Kid94minAmWidmark, RichardHorne, Lena
Delicate Delinquent, The 1957Marciano, Rocky101minPVLewis, JerryHyer, Martha
Delta Pi1984Norton, KenLennon, Sr., Jimmy87minGordon, RuthBranigan, Laura
Deonator1996Palomino, Carlos84minBaio,ScottTilton, Charlene
Designing Women1957Glick, JosephCallahan, MushySimms, Eddie118minPVHuluPeck, GregoryBacall, Lauren
Desperate 1947Steele, Freddie 73minBrodie, Steve Long, Audrey
Destry1954Bloom, Phil95minMurphy, AudieBlanchard, Mari
Destry Rides Again1939Chissell, Noble Kid95minPVDietrich, MarleneStewart, James
Detective Story1951Perry, Jack103minPVDouglas, KirkParker, Eleanor
Detective, The 1968Robinson, Sugar Ray 114minAmBVFFSinatra, FrankRemick, Lee
Detour to Danger 1946Parry, Harvey56minWood, BrittDaheim, John
Detriot 90001973Lewis, Hedgemon106minYTRocco, AlexRhodes, Hari
Devil's Advocate, The 1997Jones, Jr., RoyKing, Don144minPVReeves, KeanuPacino, Al
Devils Brigade, The 1968Fullmer, GeneMcLaglen, VictorLayne, Rex130minPVHolden, WilliamRobertson, Cliff
Devil's Canyon1953Perry, JackParry, Harvey92minMayo, VirginiaRobertson, Dale
Devil's Hairpin, The1957Indrisano, John83minWilde, CornelWallace, Jean
Devil's Lottery1932McLaglen, Victor78minBVFFLandi, ElissaKirkland, Alexander
Devil's Party, The 1938McLaglen, Victor65minPVGargan, WilliamKelly, Paul
Devils's Night: Dawn of the Nain Rouge2020Hearns, Thomas Kallen, Jackie96minPV-CTVJensan, JesiMathers, Nathan
Diamond Frontier1940McLaglen, Victor73minLoder, JohnNagel, Anne
Diamond Jim: Skulduggery in Samantha 1965Nova, LouRobertson, Dale Burke, Walter
Diary of a Chambermaid, The 1946Perry, Jack86minAmGoddard, PauletteMeredith, Burgess
Dick Turpin1934McLaglen, Victor79minCarr, JaneVosper, Frank
Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star 2003Buffer, Michael
Did Baby Shoot Her Sugar Daddy?1972Barbi, Vincent82minDavidson, CyrillDrake, Bobby
Die Watching 1993Palomino, Carlos 88minYTAtkins, ChristopherAshton, Vali
Dillinger1945Chissell, Noble Kid70minPVTierney, LawrenceLowe, Edmund
Dirty Dozen: The Deadly Mission, The 1987Cobb, Randall Tex90minAmSavalas, TellyBorgnine, Ernest
Dirty Dozen: The Fatal Mission, The1988Mancini, Ray100minPVSavalas, TellyBorgnine, Ernest
Dirty Movie2011Holmes, Larry91minPVDonahoe, EmilyMeloni, Christopher
Dirty Work 1998Norton, KenChuvalo, George82minPVMacDonald, NormWarden, Jack
Dishonored1931McLaglen, Victor91minDietrich, MarleneSeyffertiz, Gustav von
Do or Die 1991Malave, Chu Chu97minPVMorita, PatEstrada, Eric
Do You Believe in Miracles2001Lampley, Jim60minPVMichaels, Al
Dog Day Afternoon1975Malave, Chu Chu 125minPacino, Al Cazale, John
Doin' Time 1985Brown, Drew Bundini Ali, Muhammad81minBVFFPVAltman, JeffMcCormick, Pat
Dolemite 1975Barbi, Vincent
Don is Dead, The 1973La Starza, RolandGambina, Ralph115minPVQuinn, AnthonyForrest, Frederic
Don't Bet on Blondes1935Moran, Frank59minWilliam, WarrenDodd, Claire
Don't Give Up the Ship 1959Silvani, AlBloom, PhilIndrisano, John89minPVLewis, JerryMerrill, Dina
Doomed to Win1931Perry, Jack20minGleason, JamesGleason, Russell
Double Cross1941Moran, Frank61minPVRichmond, KaneMoore, Pauline
Double Crossbones1951Perry, Jack76minPVO'Connor, DonaldCarter, Helena
Double Dynamite 1951Nova, Lou80minPVRussell, JaneMarx, Groucho
Down at the Dunbar1979Robinson, RayshortFitzgerald, EllaJeffries, Herb
Down Three Dark Streets1954Indrisano, John85minPVCrawford, BroderickRoman, Ruth
Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine1965Parry, Harvey88minPVPrice, VincentAvalon, Frankie
Dragnet1954Perry, Jack88minPVWebb, JackAlexander, Ben
Dragnet1987O'Halloran, Jack 106minPV-SHOAykroyd, DanHanks, Tom
Drango1957Perry, Jack92minChandler, RichardDru, Joanne
Dream Wife 1953Baer, Buddy100minPVGrant, CaryKerr, Deborah
Dress Your Flesh with Desire1975Conteh, John88minNomikos, HristosSpyropoulos, Christo
Dressed to Kill1928Moran, Frank70minLowe, EdmundAstor, Mary
Drum1976Norton, Ken Parry, Harvey100minBr SugarBVFFOates,WarrenVega, Isela
Drums of Fu Manchu (Serial- Chapter 4)1940Roper, JackJohnson, John Lester269minAmBrandon, HarryRoyle, William
Duchess and the Dirtywater Fox, The 1976Lyle, Ron103minPVSegal, GeorgeHawn, Goldie
Dudes Are Pretty People1942Moran, Frank43minRogers, JimmyBeery, Jr., Noah
Duel on the Mississippi1955Bloom, PhilPerry, Jack72minBarker, LexMedina, Patricia
Duffy of San Quentin1954Indrisano, John78minPVHayward, LouisDru, Joanne
Duffy's Tavern 1945Steele, Freddie Indrisano, John97minYTGardner, EdCrosby, Bing
Dumbo2019Buffer, Michael112minPVFarrell, ColinKeaton, Michael
E. Nick: A Legend in His Own Mind 1984Palomino, Carlos75minCalfa, DonLittle, Cleavon
Each Dawn I Die1939Rosenbloom, Maxie Perry, Jack92minPVBVFFCagney, James Raft, George
Earthworm Tractors1936Parry, Harvey69minAmBrown, Joe E.Travis, June
East Side of Heaven1939Moran, Frank88minAmCrosby, BingBlondell, Joan
Edge of Darkness1943Chissell, Noble Kid119minAmFlynn, ErrolSheridan, Ann
Edge of Doom1950Perry, Jack99minPVAndrews, DanaGranger, Farley
Eight Bells1935Johnson, John Lester 69minSothern, AnnBellamy, Ralph
El Padrino2004Bentt, Michael128minAmChapa, DamianLopez, Sal
Elmer Gantry1960Glick, JosephBloom, PhilPerry, Jack146minAmLancaster, BurtSimmons, Jean
Embargo2017O'Halloran, Jack 85minArnaz, LucieAlarcon, Ricardo
Emerald City 2016Duddy, John 90minBrolin, EdenCostello, Sue
Emperor of the Bronx 1990Canalito, Lee104minAmSmith, William D'Andrea, Alex
End of the Trail1936Moran, Frank70minHolt, JackHenry, Louise
Entertainers, The 1991Hull, Chuck 100minNewhart, Bob Gray, Linda
Entourage2015Tyson, Mike104minPVConnolly, KevinGrenier, Adrian
Ernest Goes To Jail 1987Cobb, Randall Tex81minBVFFVarney, JimSartain, Gailard
Escape From Devil's Island 1935Johnson, John Lester 64minJory, Victor Rice, Florence
Escape From San Quentin1957Perry, Jack81minDesmond, JohnnyAnders, Merry
Ever Since Eve 1934Johnson, John Lester 72minO'Brien, GeorgeBrian, Mary
Every Day's a Holiday1937Indrisano, John80minWest, MaeLowe, Edmund
Every Girl Should Be Married1948Indrisano, John85minPVGrant, CaryDrake, Betsy
Every Little Step2010Tyson, MikeshortBrady, WayneBrown, Bobby
Everybody's Baby1939Moran, Frank61minProuty, JedDeane, Shirley
Evil Town1997Parry, Harvey82minKeach, JamesJagger, Dean
Exotic Dreams of Casanova, The 1971Barbi, Vincent90minRichesin, JackJohnson, Terri
Exposed 1983Torres, Jose100minBVFFKinski, NastassjaNureyev, Rudolf
Extreme Adventures of Super Dave 2000Holyfield, EvanderBuffer, Michael 91minAmEinstein, BobHedaya, Dan
Eyes of Youth 1919McCoy, Kid78minYoung, Clara KimballHughes, Gareth
Fabulous Dorseys, The 1947Roper, Jack88minPVDorsey, TommyDorsey, Jimmy
Facts of Life1960Indrisano, John103minAmHope, BobBall, Lucille
Fade to Black2004Buffer, Michael109minAmJay-ZRubin, Rick
Fair Wind to Java 1953Baer, BuddyMcLaglen, Victor92minPVMacMurray, FredRalston, Vera
Faith 2016Rijiker, LuciaCalzaghe, Joe Curto, VinnieHatton, Ricky Stretch, Gary Kallen, Jackie Palomino, Carlos Stretch, Gary90minAntico, PeterCunningham, Peter
Falcon Rising 2014Ali, Laila103minPVWhite, Michael JaiMcDonough, Neal
Fall1997Kellerman, Max93minPVSchaeffer, EricDe Cadenet, Amanda
Fame Us2017Cortez, Joe73minPVHasselhoff, David Polito, Jon
Far Country, The1954Perry, Jack97minPV-StarzStewart, JamesRoman, Ruth
Farewell My Lovely 1975O'Halloran, Jack 95minIMDBBVFFMitchum, RobertRampling, Charlotte
Fat Pizza 2003Fenech, Jeff96minFenech, PaulBilgic, Tahir
Fatal Choice1995Mancini, Ray95minAmos, DavidBenjamin, Kay
Fearless Two, The 2019Jones, Jr., RoyHerran, Jr., AlonzoAlves, Patricia
Federal Fugitives 1941Moran, Frank66minHamilton, NeilDay, Doris
Federal Man-Hunt1938Chissell, Noble Kid64minLivingston, RobertTravis, June
Field of Fire1992Torres, JoseBVFF
Fightin Jack 1926Sharkey, Tom 52minBailey, William Deane, Hazel
Fighting Coast Guard 1951Lennon, Sr., Jimmy86minDonlevy, BrianTucker, Forrest
Fighting Kentuckian, The 1949Chissell, Noble KidPerry, Jack100minPluto Wayne, JohnRalston, Vera
Fighting Man of the Plains1949Nova, LouPerry, Jack94minScott, RandolphWilliams, Billy
Final Impact 1992Hull, Chuck 99minPVLamas, LorenzoKinmont, Kathleen
Final Sale 2011Bentt, Michael91minHarris, LauraSergei, Ivan
Find the Lady 1936Wells, Billy70minMedford, JackHenley, Althea
Fire Power 1979La Motta, Jake 104minBVFFCoburn, JamesLoren, Sophia
First Traveling Sales Lady, The 1956Perry, Jack92minRogers, GingerNelson, Barry
Fists of Freedom: The Story of the '68 Summer Games1999Foreman, George59min
Fists of Steel1989Palomino, CarlosMarks, MarianneSilva, Henry
Fit to Kill1993Malave, Chu Chu97minPV-FMSpeir, DonaVasquez, Roberta
Five Minarets in New York2010Olajide, Michael119minIMDBBilinger, HankGlover, Danny
Flame of Araby1951Baer, BuddyO'Hara, MaureenChandler, Jeff
Flame of New Orleans, The 1941Moran, Frank79minAmDietrich, MarleneCabot, Bruce
Flames of Wrath1923Johnson, John Lester Mankins, RoxieBurton, John
Flaming Frontiers (Serial -Ch.4,5,12,13)1938Roper, Jack298minAmBrown, Johnny MackHansen, Eleanor
Flaming Gold1932Moran, Frank53minBoyd, WilliamO'Brien, Pat
Flare Up1969Williams, Ike100minWelch, RaquelStacy, James
Flash Gordon Conquerors the Universe (Serial -Ch. 1)1940Roper, Jack220minAmCrabbe, Buster Hughes, Carol
Fletch Lives1989Cobb, Randall Tex95minPV Chase, Chevy Holbrook, Hal
Flintstones, The 1994O'Halloran, Jack 91minPV-HBOGoodman, JohnMoranis, Rick
Flowers in the Snow 2015Kalllen, JackieShea, KattReynolds, Ruth
Fly, The 1986Chuvalo, George 96minPV-StarzGoldblum, JeffDavis, Geena
Flying Fontaines, The1959Parry, Harvey84minCallan, MichaelNorlund, Evy
Follow the Boys1944Rosenbloom, Maxie122minRaft, GeorgeZorina, Vera
Follow the Fleet1936Moran, Frank110minPVAstaire, FredRogers, Ginger
Fool N Final2007Tyson, Mike144minDeol, SunnyKapoor, Shahid
Footlight Fever1941Moran, Frank69minMowbray, AlanMacBride, Donald
Footsteps in the Dark1941Bloom, Phil96minFlynn, ErrolMarshall, Brenda
For Love or Money1963Indrisano, JohnChissel, Noble Kid108minDougalas, KirkGaynor, Mitzi
Force of Evil1948Indrisano, John79minAmGarfield, JohnGomez, Thomas
Forever and a Day1943McLaglen, Victor104minKirby, GeorgeMunroe, Doreen
Forever and a Day: Scorpions2015Klitschko, Wladimir100minPVScorpions
Fort Apache1948McLaglen, Victor128minPVWayne, JohnFonda, Henry
Fortune Cookie, The 1966Moore, Archie 125minBVFFLemmon, JackMatthau, Walter
Fourteenth Man, The 1920McCoy, Kid50minWarwick, RobertDaniels, Bebe
Foxes of Harrow, The 1947McLaglen, Victor117minHarrison, RexO'Hara, Maureen
Francis in the Navy1955Parry, Harvey80minO'Connor, DonaldHyer, Martha
Frankie and Johnny1966Callahan, Mushy87minPVPresley, ElvisDouglas, Donna
French Key, The 1946Moran, Frank64minDekker, AlbertMazurki, Mike
Frenchie1950Perry, Jack81minMcCrea, JoelWinters, Shelley
Friendly Persuasion1956Chissell, Noble KidPerry, JackBloom, Phil137minPVCooper, GaryMcGuire, Dorothy
Frog and Wombat1998Norton, Ken105minLipoma, EmilyStuart, Katie
From Here to Eternity1953Silvani, Al118minPVLancaster, BurtClift, Montgomery
From This Day Forward1946Indrisano, John95minFontaine, JoanStevens, Mark
Fuedin', Fussin' and A Fightin1948Bloom, Phil78minO'Connor, DonaldMain, Marjorie
Fugitive Lovers 1975Barbi, Vincent93minOlivier, SteveCurrie, Sondra
Full Confession1939McLaglen, Victor78minEllers, SallyCalleia, Joseph
Fun at St. Fanny's 1955Mills, Freddie 80minEmney, FredRobinson, Cardew
Fun in Acapulco1963Indrisano, John97minPlutoPresley, ElvisAndress, Ursula
Funny Girl 1968Gambina, RalphGlick, JosephChissel, Noble Kid151minPVStreisand, BarbraSharif, Omar
Fury of the Fist and the Golden Fleece2018O'Halloran, Jack 107minPVTrejo, DannyJones, Sam J.
Gambling Lady1934Johnson, John Lester 66minStanwyck, BarbaraMcCrea, Joel
Gambling Ship1933Moran, Frank72minGrant, CaryHume, Benita
Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight 1971Addie, Johnny96minPVOrbach, JerryTaylor-Young, Leigh
Gangs of New York1938Rosenbloom, Maxie67minBickford, CharlesDvorak, Ann
Garden Murder Case, The1936Roper, Jack61minLowe, EdmundBruce, Virginia
Garden of Eatin', The1929Perry, Jack18minGleason, JamesGleason, Lucile
Gas House Kids1946Chissell, Noble Kid71minLowery, RobertLoring, Teala
Gates of the Sun2014Tyson, Mike90minRamdane, Zakaria
Gauntlet, The 1977Silvani, Al109minPVEastwood, ClintLocke, Sondra
Gay Caballero, The1932McLaglen, Victor60minO'Brien, GeorgeMontenegro, Conchita
Gay Desperado, The1936Perry, Jack86minMartini, NinoLupino, Ida
Gene Krupa Story, The 1959Silvani, Al101minAmMineo, SalKohner, Susan
Geronimo: An American Legend 1993Palomino, Carlos 115minBVFFPatric, JamesHackman, Gene
Get Along Little Zombie1946Roper, Jack17minHerbert, HughMcIntrye, Christine
Ghost Crazy1944Baer, Max YTHoward, Shemp
Ghost Fever 1986Frazier, Joe 86minHemsley, Sherman
Ghost on the Loose1943Moran, Frank67minPVGorcey, LeoHall, Huntz
Giant From the Unknown 1958Baer, Buddy 77minPVBVFFKemmer, EdSteele, Bob
Gig, The 1985Wepner, Chuck 92minRogers, WayneLittle, Cleavon
Girl From Mexico, The1939Indrisano, John71minVelez, LupeWoods, Donald
Girl From Rio1939Perry, Jack62minPVMovitaHull, Warren
Girl Gets Moe1997Mancini, Ray 102minDanza, TonyBarondes, Elizabeth
Girl in the Red Velvet Swing 1955Bloom, Phil109minPVMilland, RayCollins, Joan
Girl Rush, The 1955Chissell, Noble Kid85minRussell, RosalindLamas, Fernando
Girls in the Night1953Bloom, Phil83minLemback, HarveyHolden, Joyce
Gladiator, The1938Perry, Jack72minAmBrown, Joe E.Travis, June
Glass Jungle 1988Canalito, Lee 94minBVFFAlbert, LauraArcher, Blaire
Glass Key, The1935Perry, Jack80minRaft, GeorgeDodd, Claire
Gloria 1999Atlas, Teddy108minPVStone, SharonFigueroa, Jean-Luke
Glorious Adventure1922McLaglen, Victor70minAmManners, DianaLawrence, Gerald
Glory1956Perry, Jack100minO'Brien, MargaretBrennan, Walter
Glory Trail, The 1936Johnson, John Lester 65minKeene, TomBarclay, Joan
Glory Years 1987Pearl, Davey Holmes, LarryHaugen, Greg Bernstein, Al150minTubiAmDzundza, George Hahn, Archie
Go West Young Man1936Indrisano, John82minAmWest, MaeWilliam, Warren
Go West, Young Lady1941Chissell, Noble Kid70minSingleton, PennyFord, Glenn
God Gave Me Twenty Cents1926Bloom, Phil70minMoran, LoisDe Putti, Lya
Godfather III1990Antofuermo, Vito 170minBVFFPacino, AlGarcia, Andy
God's Gift 2006Kellerman, MaxshortFriedman, Steven MarkPellegrino, Frank
God's Gold 1921Kaufman, Al 50minHart, Neal Chapman, Audrey
Gold Diggers of 19351935Moran, Frank95minPVPowell, DickMenjou, Adolphe
Gold Diggers of 19371936Johnson, John Lester 101minPowell, Dick Blondell, Joan
Golden Blade, The1953Perry, Jack81minAmHudson, RockLaurie, Piper
Golden Child, The 1986Cobb, Randall Tex94minBVFFPVMurphy, EddieReate, J.L.
Golden Twenties, The 1950Tunney, Gene 68minPVLewis, Robert Q.Allen, Frederick Lewis
Gone Baby Gone 2007McNeeley, Tom 114minBVFFFreeman, MorganHarris, Ed
Good Fairy, The 1935Moran, Frank98minAmSullavan, MargaretMarshall, Herbert
Good Fellas 1990Antofuermo, Vito 146minBVFFDe Niro, Robert Liotta, Ray
Good Guys and the Bad Guys, The 1969Chissell, Noble Kid91minAmMitchum, RobertKennedy, George
Good Life, The 1997Pazienza, Vinnie 95minStallone, FrankHopper, Dennis
Good Luck Mr. Yates1943Parry, Harvey70minTrevor, ClaireBarker, Jess
Good Morning, Judge 1928Sharkey, Tom 60minDenny, Reginald Nolan, Mary
Government Girl1943Moran, Frank94minde Havilland, OliviaShirley, Anne
Grand Canyon1949Chissell, Noble Kid65minArlen, RichardHughes, Mary Beth
Grand Central Murder1942Moran, Frank73minPVHeflin, VanDane, Patricia
Great Day in the Morning1956Perry, Jack92minMayo, VirginaStack, Robert
Great Game, The 1918Wells, BillyColeby, A.E.
Great Gasby, The 1926Smith, Gunboat 80minBaxter, WarnerWilson, Lois
Great Gundown, The 1977Chissell, Noble Kid95minPadilla, RobertDuval, Malila Saint
Great Guy1936Perry, Jack66minPVCagney, JamesClarke, Mae
Great Hotel Murder, The 1935McLaglen, Victor70minLowe, EdmundAmes, Rosemary
Great McGinty, The 1940Moran, Frank82minAmDonlevy, BrianAngelus, Muriel
Great Moment, The 1944Moran, Frank83minAmMcCrea, JoelField, Betty
Great Race, The1965Chissell, Noble KidParry, Harvey160minPVCurtis, TonyWood, Natalie
Grey Vulture, The 1926Sharkey, Tom 58minMaynard, Ken Deane, Hazel
Groove Street2018Tyson, Mike90minWells, ClaudiaChambers, Michael
Guilty as Hell1932McLaglen, Victor80minLowe, EdmundArlen, Richard
Gunga Din1939McLaglen, Victor117minPVFairbanks, Jr., DouglasGrant, Cary
Guns1990Malave, Chu Chu96minPVEstrada, EricSpeir, Dona
Guns of Hate 1948Chissell, Noble Kid61minHolt, TimLeslie, Nan
Gunsmoke in Tucson1958Bloom, Phil80minPVStevens, MarkTucker, Forest
Guys and Dolls 1955Galento, Tony Indrisano, JohnPerry, JackChissell, Noble Kid150minAmBrando, MarlonSimmons, Jean
H.O.T.S.1979Parry, Harvey98minAmKiger, SusanLondon, Lisa
Hail the Conquering Hero1944Moran, Frank101minPVBracken, EddieRaines, Ella
Hairy Ape, The 1944Bloom, Phil74minMacMurray, FredLeslie, Joan
Half Angel1951Nova, Lou77minYoung, LorettaCotten, Joseph
Half Nelson1985Holmes, Larry120minPesci, JoeWilliamson, Fred
Half-Breed, The 1952Perry, Jack81minAmYoung, RobertCarter, Janis
Hamlet Pheroun2019Tyson, Mike110minAbdulmughni, MahmoodAldeen, Suzan Najam
Hang 'Em Highh1968Parry, Harvey114minPV-StarzEastwood, ClintStevens, Inger
Hanged Man, The 1964Moore, Archie87minO'Brien, EdmondMiles, Vera
Hangman's House1928McLaglen, Victor80minAmCollyer, JuneKent, Larry
Hangmen 1987La Motta, Jake 90minBVFFWashburn, RickThomas, Dog
Hangover 2, The2011Tyson, Mike 102minBVFFCooper, BradleyGalifianakis, Zac
Hangover, The 2009Tyson, Mike 100minBVFFCooper, BradleyGalifianakis, Zac
Happidrome1943Wells, Billy87minKorris, HarryVincent, Robbie
Happy Days1929McLaglen, Victor80minEvans, Charles E.White, Marjorie
Happy Landing 1938Parry, Harvey102minHenie, SonjaAmeche, Don
Hard Boiled Mahoney1947Bloom, Phil63minGorcey, LeoHall, Huntz
Hard Hunted 1993Malave, Chu Chu97minPVSpeir, DonaVasquez, Roberta
Hard Times 2012Duddy, John 8minCecala, Joe Ankah, Flo
Hardcase and Fist1989Barbi, Vincent93minAmPrior, TedAngelyne
Harlem Nights 1989Duran, Roberto Buffer, Michael 118minBVFFMurphy, EddiePryor, Richard
Harlow1965Callahan, MushyListon, Sonny109minLynley, CarolZimbalist, Jr., Efrem
Harvard, Here I Come! 1941Rosenbloom, Maxie Perry, Jack64minYTJudge, ArlineBrown, Stanley
Harvey Girls, The 1946Bloom, PhilPerry, Jack102minPVGarland, JudyBolger, Ray
Hats Off1936Perry, Jack66minClarke, MaePayne, John
Have a Heart 1934Moran, Frank80minParker, JeanDunn, James
Hazard 1934Rosenbloom, Maxie 95minGoddard, PauletteCarey, Macdonald
He Got Game 1998Breland, Mark 136minPV-HBOWashington, DenzilJovoich, Milo
Head 1968Liston, Sonny Robinson, Ray 86minBVFFMonkees, The
Head Office1985King, Don90minPVReinhold, JudgeAlbert, Eddie
Hear Me Good1957Indrisano, John80minMarch, HalRoss, Joe E.
Heart and Souls 1993Toney, James104minPV-HBODowney, Jr., RobertGrodin, Charles
Heart of a Man, The 1959Bassey, Hogan Kid92minVaughn, FrankieHeywood, Anne
Heart Strings1923McLaglen, VictorMcCoy, GertrudeBishop, Edith
Heaven1987King, Don80minAmAgbabian, MichaelAllport, James
Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence1939Perry, Jack62minRogers, JeanWalburn, Raymond
Heidi1937Chissell, Noble Kid88minPVTemple, ShirleyHersholt, Jean
Hell Canyon Outlaws1957Baer, Buddy72minRobertson, Dale Keith, Brian
Hellcats, The 1968Chissell, Noble Kid90minAmHagen, RossDuffy, Dee
Helldorado1935Moran, Frank74minArlen, RichardEvans, Madge
Heller in Pink Tights1960Chissell, Noble Kid100minPVLoren, SophiaQuinn, Anthony
Hellgate1952Glick, Joseph87minAmHayden, SterlingLeslie, Joan
Hell's Highway1932Johnson, John Lester 62minDix, RichardHudson, Rochelle
Hell's Kitchen1998Antofuermo, Vito 95minAmArquette, RosannaForsythe, William
Henry Brown Farmer 1942Lee, Canada9min
Her First Mate 1933Moran, Frank66minSummerville, SlimPitts, Zasu
Her Higness and the Bellboy1945Perry, Jack112minLamarr, HedyWalker, Robert
Her Torpedoed Love 1917Kaufman, Al 20minAmFazenda, LouiseSterling, Ford
Hercules 1958Carnera, Primo107minBVFFReeves, SteveKoscina, Sylva
Hercules Unchained 1959Carnera, Primo101minBVFFReeves, Steve
Here Come the Girls1953Parry, HarveyIndrisano, John78minHope, BobMartin, Tony
Here Comes Kelly1943Baer, Max Rosenbloom, Maxie64minQuillan, EddieWoodbury, Joan
Here Comes the Boom2012Duran, Jacob Stitch105minIMDBJames, KevinHayek, Salma
Herman Cain's Campaign Promises with Mike Tyson2011Tyson, Mike2mCain, Herman
Hero and Terror1988O'Halloran, Jack 96minAmNorris, ChuckThayer, Brynn
Heroes of Saddle1940Roper, Jack56minLvingston, RobertHatton, Raymond
High and the Mighty1954Indrisano, John147minPVWayne, JohnTrevor, Claire
High Powered1945Roper, Jack62minPVLowery, RobertBrooks, Phyllis
High Roller: The Stu Unger Story 2003Bernstein, Al PVGlazer, Andrew N.S.Imperioli, Michael
High Sierra1941Moran, Frank100minPVLupino, IdaBogart, Humphrey
High Tension1936Parry, Harvey63minDonlevy, BrianFarrell, Glenda
Highway's By Night1942Indrisano, John65minCarlson, RichardRandolph, Jane
Hi-Jacked1950Indrisano, John66minAmDavis, JimJones, Marcia Mae
His Busted Trust 1916Kaufman, Al Summerville, SlimDunn, Bobby
His Exciting Night 1938Rosenbloom, Maxie61minRuggles, CharlesMunson, Ona
Hi'Ya Chum1943Roper, Jack61minRitz, AlRitz, Jimmy
Hold That Women1940Roper, Jack67minPVDunn, JamesGifford, Frances
Hollywood Homicide 2003Bentt, Michael116minPV-StarzFord, HarrisonHartnett, Josh
Hollywood on Parade No. A-91933Baer, Max10min
Hollywood on Parade No. B-5 1933Baer, Max9min
Hollywood or Bust 1956Rosenbloom, Maxie 95min BVFFMartin, DeanLewis, Jerry
Holt of the Secret Service (Serial)1941Roper, Jack278minAmHolt, JackBrent, Evelyn
Home in Indiana1944Chissell, Noble Kid106minBrennan, WalterCrain, Jeanne
Home of Angels1995Frazier, Joe 90minVigoda, AbeHemsley, Sherman
Honey Bee, The 1920McCoy, KidSliva, MargueritaHolding, Thomas
Honeymoon Deferred1940Moran, Frank59minLowe, EdmundLindsay, Margaret
Honeymoon in Vegas1992Shavers, Earnie96minPVCaan, JamesCage, Nicolas
Hooked Generation, The 1968Pastrano, Willie 92minBVFFSlate, GeremyAliamo, Steve
Hoopla1933Moran, FrankParry, Harvey85minBow, ClaraFoster, Preston
Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit1968Indrisano, John113minAmJones, DeanBaker, Diane
Hot Blood1956Indrisano, John85minAmRussell, JaneWilde, Cornel
Hot for Paris1929McLaglen, VictorD'Orsay, FifiBrendel, El
Hot Pepper1933Moran, FrankMcLaglen, Victor76minLowe, EdmundVelez, Lupe
Hot Shots!1991Lennon, Jr., Jimmy84minPVSheen, CharlieElwes, Cary
Hot Spell1958Indrisano, John86minBooth, ShirleyQuinn, Anthony
House in Naples1970La Motta, Jake
House of Glass1917McCoy, Kid (Norman Shelby)Young, Clara KimballTrenton, Pell
House of Strangers 1949Garland, TommyCallahan, MushyPerry, Jack101minAmRobinson, Edward G.Hayward, Susan
Housekeeper's Daughter1939Bloom, Phil80minBennett, JoanMenjou, Adolphe
How Bruce Lee Changed the World2009Leonard, Sugar Ray120minLee, Bruce
How the West Was Won1962Parry, Harvey144minPVStewart, JamesWayne, John
How to Murder Your Wife1965Indrisano, John118minPVLemmon, JackLisi, Virna
Huck and the King of Hearts1994O'Halloran, Jack 98minPVLeopardi, ChaunceyGreene, Graham
Hud1963Indrisano, John112minPlutoNewman, PaulDouglas, Melvyn
Human Duplicators, The 1965Indrisano, John100minNader, GeorgeNichols, Barbara
Hundred Hour Hunt, The (Emergency Call)1952Mills, Freddie 84minWarner, JackSteel, Anthony
Hunted Woman, The 1925McLaglen, VictorOwen, SeenaSchenck, Earl
Hurricane Smith1952Parry, Harvey90minPVDe Carlo, YvonneIreland, John
Hushed Hour, The 1919McCoy, Kid50minHall, Winter Knott, Lydia
Hustler, The 1961La Motta, Jake 134minBVFFNewman, PaulGleason, Jackie
I Am Bruce Lee2012Mancini, Ray94minLee, Bruce
I Am JFK Jr.2016Tyson, Mike92minPVBarlow, John Perry
I Am the Law1938Perry, Jack83minRobinson, Edward G.O'Neil, Barbara
I Didn't Know That 2006Lampley, Jim22minCooper, AliceDavis, Anthony
I Love a Soldier1944Moran, Frank106minGoddard, PauletteTufts, Sonny
I Married a Monster From Outerspace 1958Rosenbloom, Maxie 78minBVFFTryon, TomTalbott, Gloria
I Miss You, Hugs and Kisses 1978Chuvalo, George 88minSommer, ElkePilon, Donald
I Passed For White 1960Indrisano, John93minPV-FandorWilde, SonyaFranciscus, James
I Walk Alone 1947Steele, Freddie 97minPVLancaster, BurtScott, Elizabeth
I Want to Live!1958Chissell, Noble Kid120minPVHayward, SusanOakland, Simon
I Was a Communist for the F.B.I.1951Chissell, Noble KidPerry, Jack83minPVLovejoy, FrankHart, Dorothy
I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now1947Chissell, Noble Kid104minHaver, June Stevens, Mark
Ice Kings2006Lampley, Jim78minPVMacatee, Bill
Ice Palace1960Perry, Jack143minBurton, RichardRyan, Robert
I'll Cry Tomorrow1955Perry, Jack117minPVHayward, SusanConte, Richard
Illegal Entry1949Van, Frankie84minDuff, HowardToren, Marta
Impact1949Perry, Jack111minPVDonlevy, BrianRaines, Ella
In Fast Company1946Indrisano, John63minGorcey, LeoHall, Huntz
In Old California1942Perry, Jack88minPVWayne, JohnBarnes, Binnie
In Search of a Hero 1926Kaufman, Al Dearholt, AshtonThomas, Jane
In the Blood1923McLaglen, VictorDouglas, LilianYork, Cecil Morton
In the House of Jacob 2002O'Grady, Sean 15minMattingly, AnneSpinelli, Rocco
In the Navy1941Roper, JackVan, Frankie86minAmAbbott, BudCostello, Lou
Incendiary Blonde1945Indrisano, John113minHutton, Bettyde Cordova, Arturo
Incident on a Dark Street1973La Starza, Roland96minPVOlson, James Canary, David
Indio 1989Hagler, Marvin 89minBVFFQuinn, FrancescoDennehy, Brian
Indio II: The Revolt1992Hagler, Marvin 94minBVFFCuervo, FrankGaluba, Dirk
Informer, The 1935McLaglen, Victor Moran, Frank91minBVFFAngel, HeatherFoster, Preston
Infrasexum1969Barbi, Vincent87minPVLynn, EroffTobalina, Carlos
Inherit the Wind 1960Glick, Joseph128minPVTracy, SpencerMarch, Frederic
Inside Story1939Moran, Frank60minWhalen, MichaelRogers, Jean
Inside Straight 1951Nova, LouChissell, Noble Kid87minBrian, David Dahl, Arlene
International Lady1941Perry, Jack102minMassey, IlonaBrent, George
Ip Man 3 2015Tyson, Mike105minYen, Donnie
Irish Eyes Are Smiling 1944Rosenbloom, Maxie 90minBVFFWoolley, MontyHaver, June
Irma La Douce1963Glick, JosephChissell, Noble Kid147minPVLemmon, Jack MacLaine, Shirley
Iron Eagle III: Aces 1992Mancini, Ray 98minBVFFGossett, Jr., LouMcLish, Rachel
Iron Mistress, The1952Perry, JackParry, Harvey110minAmLadd, AlanMayo, Virginia
Iron Sheriff, The1957Moran, Frank73minHayden, SterlingFord, Constance
Island in the Sky1953Indrisano, John109minPVWayne, JohnNolan, Lloyd
Island of Lost Men1939Perry, Jack63minWong, Anna MayNaish, J. Carrol
Isle of Lost Men 1928Sharkey, Tom Santschi, TomMarcus, James A.
Isle of Missing Men1942Moran, Frank67minPVHoward, JohnGilbert, Helen
Isle of Retribution, The1926McLaglen, Victor70minRich, LillianFrazer, Robert
It Can't Last Forever1937Perry, Jack78minBellamy, RalphFurness, Betty
It Had to Happen1936Moran, Frank79minRaft, GeorgeRussell, Rosalind
It Happened at the World's Fair1963Indrisano, John105minPVPresley, ElvisO'Brien, Joan
It Happened in New York1935Perry, JackMichael, GertrudeAngel, Heather
It's a Dog's Life 1955Bloom, Phil88minPVRichards, JeffLewis, Jarma
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World1963Indrisano, JohnChissell, Noble Kid
It's a Wonderful Life1946Indrisano, John130minPVStewart, JamesReed, Donna
It's Alive III: Island of the Alive 1987Palomino, Carlos 95minBVFFMoriarity, MichaelBlack, Karen
I've Got Your Number1934Perry, Jack69minBlondell, JoanO'Brien, Pat
Jack and the Beanstalk 1952Baer, Buddy Perry, Jack72minBVFFAbbott, BudCostello, Lou
Jack Johnson's Adventures in Paris1913Carpentier, GeorgesJohnson, Jack short Coromon, NellyPouctal, Henri
Jack London1943Roper, Jack94minPVO'Shea, MichaelHayward, Susan
Jackpot, The 1950Roper, Jack85minStewart, JamesHale, Barbara
Jail House Blues1942Roper, Jack62minPendleton, NatGwynne, Anne
Jailbirds in Paradise1934Moran, Frank18minAppleby, DorothyHoward, Moe
Jailhouse Rock1957Indrisano, JohnBloom, PhilChissell, Noble Kid96minPVPresley, ElvisTyler, Judy
Jealousy1934Moran, Frank66minCarroll, NancyMurphy, George
Jealousy1945Chissell, Noble Kid71minLoder, JohnRandolph, Jane
Jim Brown: All American2002Frazier, Joe Sugar, Bert 140minCasey, BernieModell, Art
Joey Boy1965Mills, Freddie Corbett, Harry H.Baxter, Stanley
Johnny at the Fair1947Louis, Joe 8minPachter CharliePachter, Harry
Johnny Dangerously1984Parry, Harvey90minAmKeaton, MichaelPiscopo, Joe
Johnny Was 2006Jones, Jr., Roy93minJones, VinnieBergin, Patrick
Joy of Living1938Moran, Frank91minAmDunne, IreneFairbanks, Jr., Douglas
Jubilee Trail 1954Baer, BuddyRalston, VeraLeslie, Joan
Judge Priest1934Moran, Frank80minPV-StarzRogers, WillBrown, Tom
Juke Girl 1942Chissell, Noble Kid90minAmSheridan, AnnReagan, Ronald
Julius Caesar 1953Glick, JosephPerry, Jack120minPVCalhern, LouisBrando, Marlon
Junior G-Men (Serial)1940Roper, Jack240minHalop, BillyHall, Huntz
Junior G-Men of the Air (Serial)1942Van, Frankie225minAmHalop, BillyReynolds, Gene
Just Say It2009Chuvalo, George 72minAbbott, Roger Ferguson, Don
Just the Ticket1998Frazier, Joe 115minGarcia, AndyMacDowell, Andie
Kansas Pacific1953Garland, Tommy73minPVHayden, SterlingMiller, Eva
Kathy O'1958Perry, Jack99minDuryea, DanSterling, Jan
Kettles on Old MacDonald's Farm, The 1957Chissell, Noble Kid81minMain, MarjorieFennelly, Parker
Keys of Christmas, The 2016Tyson, Mike47minCarey, Mariah
Kickboxer: Retaliation2018Tyson, Mike110minPVMoussi, AlainLane, Sara Malakul
Kid From Borneo, The 1933Johnson, John Lester 18minOur Gang
Kids on the Cuff1935Baer, Max
Kill Me Tomorrow 1957Mills, Freddie 80minO'Brien, PatMaxwell, Lois
Kill the Umpire1950Chissell, Noble Kid78minAmBendix, WilliamMerkel, Una
Killing of a Chinese Bookie1976Barbi, Vincent135minPVGazzara, BenCarey, Timothy
Killing, The1956Parry, Harvey84minPVHayden, SterlingGray, Coleen
King Creole1958Indrisano, John116minPlutoPresley, ElvisJones, Carolyn
King Kong1933Perry, Jack
King Kong 1976O'Halloran, Jack 134minBVFFBridges, JeffGrodin, Charles
Kiss and Be Killed 1993Norton, Ken 92minBVFFLudvick, CarolineCarson, Crystal
Kitten with a Whip 1964Gambina, Ralph83minAmAnn-MargaretForsythe, John
Kitty Can't Help It1975Barbi, Vincent88minDeWitt, FayCarl, Kitty
Klondike Annie1936Johnson, John Lester McLaglen, Victor80minAmWest, Mae McLaglen, Victor
Knock on Any Door1949Perry, JackIndrisano, John100minBogart, HumphreyDerek, John
Kojak: Fatal Flaw1989King, Don90minPVSavalas, TellyDickinson, Angie
Krays: Dead Man Walking, The1992Kray, Ronald Kray, Reginald 79minYTSimons, RitaMyers, Josh
L.A. Riot Spectacular 2005Buffer, Michael80minPVSnoop DogCarter, T.K.
La Bomba1999Antofuermo, Vito 96minArts, AlexisBase, Giulio
Ladies Day1943Baer, Max62minVelez, LupeAlbert, Eddie
Ladies Man, The 1961Aragon, Art Indrisano, John95minPVLewis, JerryTraubel, Helen
Lady Eve, The 1941Moran, Frank94minPVStanwyck, BarbaraFonda, Henry
Lady from Louisiana1941Chissell, Noble Kid82minWayne, JohnMunson, Ona
Lady Gambles, The 1949Moran, FrankIndrisano, John99minStanwyck, BarbaraPreston, Robert
Lady Godiva of Coventry1955McLaglen, Victor89minO'Hara, MaureenNader, George
Lady Godiva Rides1968Barbi, Vincent104minAmJordan,MarshaShain, Harvey
Lady in the Dark1944Chissell, Noble Kid100minRogers, GingerMilland, Ray
Lady Luck1942Johnson, John Lester 61minMoreland, MantanMiller, F.E.
Lady of Burlesque1943Moran, Frank91minPVStanwyck, BarbaraO'Shea, Michael
Lady's From Kentucky, The 1939Moran, FrankVan, Frankie67minRaft, GeorgeDrew, Ellen
Larceny in Her Heart 1946Roper, Jack68minBeaumont, HughWalker, Cheryl
Las Vegas Story, The 1952Perry, Jack88minRussell, JaneMature, Victor
Last Challenge, The 1967Chissell, Noble Kid105minPVFord, GlennDickinson, Angie
Last Hurrah, The 1958Chissell, Noble KidParry, Harvey121minPVTracy, SpencerHunter, Jeffrey
Last Man Standing 1987Chuvalo, George 90minWells, VernonSanderson, William
Last of the Good Guys1978Malave, Chu Chu95minCulp, RobertBlake, Elta
Last Round 1976Monzon, Carlos 95minBVFFMarenda, Luc
Last Round-Up, The 1947Chissell, Noble Kid77minAmAutry, GeneHeather, Jean
Laughing at Life1933McLaglen, Victor71minAmMontenegro, ConchitaBoyd, William 'Stage'
Law of the Sea, The 1931Roper, Jack64minFarnum, WilliamBlane, Sally
Law West of Tombstone, The1938Moran, Frank73minCarey, HarryHolt, Tim
Learning with the Enemy2004McGuigan, Barry26min
Lee's Offering 2005Chuvalo, George 105minBucknam, AmyUsher, David
Legacy: A Personal History of Barry Sheene2007Cooper, Henry62minMcGregor, Ewan
Legal Tender 1991Palomino, Carlos95minDavi, Robert Roberts, Tanya
Legend of Lylah Clare, The 1968Chissell, Noble KidIndrisano, John130minPVNovak, KimFinch, Peter
Legends 2018Ali, Laila
Lemon Drop Kid, The 1951Indrisano, John91minPVHope, BobMaxwell, Marilyn
Let Freedom Ring1939McLaglen, Victor87minEddy, NelsonBruce, Virginia
Let No Man Write the Epitaph1960Silvani, AlBloom, Phil105minIves, BurlWinters, Shelley
Let'em Have It1935Moran, Frank96minAmArlen, RichardBruce, Virginia
Let's Get Married 1926Smith, Gunboat 70minDix, RichardWilson, Lois
Liar, Liar 1997Cobb, Randall Tex86minPVCarrey, JimTierney, Maura
Life Boat 1944Lee, Canada97minPVBankhead, TallulahHodiak, John
Life in Hollywood 51927McLaglen, Victor9minConnelly, EdwardDel Rio, Delores
Lightning Strikes Twice1951Perry, Jack91minTodd, RichardRoman, Ruth
Limehouse Blues1934Perry, JackRaft, GeorgeParker, Jean
Limelight1952Perry, Jack137minPVChaplin, CharlesBloom, Claire
Lisa's Folly1970Barbi, Vincent73minAlderman, JohnDomani, Mio
Little Brother of God1922McLaglen, VictorFraser, AlecHoward, Lionelle
Little Fockers 2010Jones, Jr., Roy98minPVStiller, BenDe Niro, Robert
Little Giant, The 1933Moran, FrankPerry, Jack76minPVRobinson, Edward G.Astor, Mary
Little Miss Marker1934Bloom, Phil80minAmMenjou, AdolpheDell, Dorothy
Live Wires1946Indrisano, John65minTubiGorcey, LeoHall, Huntz
Living Ghost, The 1942Moran, Frank61minPVDunn, JamesWoodbury, Joan
Lone Ranger, The 1956Chissell, Noble Kid86minAmMoore, ClaytonSliverheels, Jay
Lone Star Men1941Roper, Jack61minKeene, TomYaconelli, Frank
Long Hot Summer, The 1958Glick, Joseph115minPVNewman, PaulWoodward, Joanne
Long Night, The 1947Chissell, Noble Kid101minAmFonda, HenryGeddes, Barbara Bel
Longshot2001Breland, Mark 93minAmDeCamillis, TonyTylo, Hunter
Looking For Trouble1934Moran, Frank80minTracy, SpencerOakie, Jack
Loose Ankles1930McCoy, Kid69minYoung, LorettaFairbanks, Jr., Douglas
Lords of Discipline 1983Breland, Mark 103minBVFFKeith, DavidProsky, Robert
Lose Her Island 2012Holyfield, EvanderForeman, George5minPV-Fandor
Loser 1992Antofuermo, Vito
Lost Boundaries 1949Lee, Canada99minPVPearson, Beatrice Ferrer, Mel
Lost in a Harem1944Perry, JackIndrisano, John89minPVAbbott, BudCostello, Lou
Lost Patrol, The 1934McLaglen, Victor 73minPVBVFFKarloff, BorisFord, Wallace
Louisiana Purchase 1941Rosenbloom, MaxieBVFFHope, BobZarina, Vera
Love & Other Drugs2010Buffer, Michael112minPVGyllenhaal, JakeHathaway, Anne
Love and Basketball2000Lennon, Jr., JimmyPVLathan, SanaaEpps, Omar
Love and Learn 1947Nova, Lou83minCarson, JackHutton, Robert
Love at Times Square2003Ali, Muhammad120minAmAnand, Dev
Love Funny or Die in 20122012Tyson, MikeshortBrown, ReggieDelaney, Rob
Love Machine, The 1971Robinson, RayWilliams, Ike108minAmLaw, John PhillipCannon, Dyan
Love of God?, The1969Barbi, Vincent101minAmKnotts, DonFrancis, Anne
Love Songs 1999Lewis, LennoxTownsend, Robert
Love Thy Neighbor1940Moran, Frank82minBenny, JackAllen, Fred
Love, Honor and Goodbye1945McLaglen, Victor87minBruce, VirginiaAshley, Edward
Loved One, The 1965Silvani, Al122minPVMorse, Robert Winters, Jonathan
Lovers in Quarantine 1926Smith, Gunboat 70minDaniels, Bebe Ford, Harrison
Loves of Carmen, The 1927McLaglen, Victor90minAlvarado, DonDel Rio, Delores
LT: The Life and Times2013Tyson, Mike120minTaylor, Lawrence
Lucky Devil, The 1925Smith, Gunboat 63minDix, RichardRalston, Esther
M1951Roper, JackGlick, JosephIndrisano, JohnPerry, Jack88minWayne, DavidDa Silva, Howard
Machismo: 40 Graves for 40 Guns1971Barbi, VincentChissell, Noble Kid95minPadilla, Robert Sierra, Gregory
Mad Bull 1977Lennon, Sr., Jimmy100minPVKarras, AlexAnspach, Susan
Mad Miss Manton1938Parry, Harvey80minAmStanwyck, BarbaraFonda, Henry
Made 2001Goosen, Joe 95min BVFFVaughn, VinceFavreau, Jon
Magic Fountain, The 1961Baer, Buddy85minNestler, PeterKindermann, Helmo
Magic Gum1999Bentt, MichaelshortBeckim, ChadDias, Romi
Magnificent Brute, The 1936McLaglen, Victor77minBarnes, BinnieDixon, Jean
Magnum Force 1973Ortega, Rudy 124minPVEastwood, Clint Holbrook, Hal
Major Barbara 1941Wells, Billy131minHiller, WendyHarrison, Rex
Make-Up1937Wells, Billy72minAsther, NilsClyde, June
Making 'Enter the Matrix'2003Jones, Jr., Roy28minBellucci, MonicaCurrim, Art
Making of 'Superman II,' The1982O'Halloran, Jack 52minAmAnderson, ErnieStamp, Terence
Making of Trump, The 2015Tyson, Mike86min
Malicious Intent 2000McGuigan, Barry92minGerard, JasonCollins, Madeleine
Maltese Murder Mystery2008McDonagh, Seamus88min
Man at Large 1941Roper, Jack70minWeaver, MajorieReeves, George
Man at the Top 1973Conteh, JohnHaigh, KennethNewman, Nanette
Man Behind the Gun, The 1953Glick, Joseph82minPVScott, RandolphWymore, Patricia
Man From Cuba (Notti di paura)1991Hagler, Marvin 95minSavage, John Dionisi, Stefano
Man From Frisco1944Moran, Frank91minO'Shea, MichaelShirley, Anne
Man From Galveston, The 1963Chissell, Noble Kid57minPVHunter, JeffreyFoster, Preston
Man From God's Country1958Chissell, Noble Kid72minPVMontgomery, GeorgeStuart, Randy
Man in the Attic1953Chissell, Noble Kid82minPVPalance, JackSmith, Constance
Man in the Half Moon, The 1945Moran, Frank92minAsther, NilsWalker, Helen
Man in the Iron Cage 1983Norton, KenBrolin, JamesButtram, Pat
Man Inside, The 1912Smith, Gunboat short
Man of Conquest1939Chissell, Noble Kid105minDix, RichardPatrick, Gail
Man Who Came Back, The 2008Norton, Ken112minPVBraeden, EricZane, Billy
Man Who Came to Dinner1942Moran, Frank112minAmDavis, BetteSheridan, Ann
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance1962Chissell, Noble Kid123minPVStewart, JamesWayne, John
Man Who Talked Too Much1940Perry, Jack76minBrent, GeorgeBruce, Viriginia
Manchurian Candidate1962Indrisano, John126minPV-CinemaxSinatra, FrankHarvey, Laurence
Mandingo1975Norton, Ken 126minPVBVFFMason, JamesGeorge, Susan
Manhattan 1924Smith, Gunboat Dix, RichardLogan, Jacqueline
Manhattan Madness1925Dempsey, JackTaylor, EstelleSiegmann, George
Many Rivers to Cross1955McLaglen, Victor94minPVTaylor, RobertParker, Eleanor
March or Die1977O'Halloran, Jack 107minPVHackman, GeneHill, Terence
Marked Woman1937Chissell, Noble Kid96minPVDavis, BetteBogart, Humphrey
Marriage on the Rocks1965Silvani, Al109minPVSinatra, FrankKerr, Deborah
Marry the Girl1937Rosenbloom, Maxie68minBoland, MaryMcHugh, Frank
Marshall's Daughter, The 1953Baer, Buddy71minPVAnders, LaurieGibson, Hoot
Mary in Haste 1924Kaufman, Al Fairbanks, WilliamRevier, Dorothy
Masterson of Kansas1954Perry, Jack73minMontgomery, GeorgeGates, Nancy
Matrix Reloaded2003Jones, Jr., Roy138minReeves, KeanuFishburne, Laurence
Mausoleum1983Malave, Chu Chu96minPVGortner, MarjoreBresee, Bobbie
Maybe Darwin Was Right1942Rosenbloom, Maxie20minManning, Knox
McGuerins From Brooklyn1942Baer, Max45minBendix, WilliamBradley, Grace
Me and My Gal1932Moran, Frank79minPVTracy, SpencerBennett, Joan
Meateater, The 1979Goosen, Joe 85minYTJoboulian, ArchDavis, Dianne
Meet Danny Wilson1952Perry, JackIndrisano, John88minSinatra, FrankWinters, Shelley
Meet John Doe1941Moran, Frank135minPVCooper, GaryStanwyck, Barbara
Meet the Blacks 2016Tyson, Mike94minPVEpps, MikeHenao, Zulay
Meet the People1944Bloom, Phil100minAmBall, LucilePowell, Dick
Melody of My Heart 1936Wells, Billy82minOldham, DerekLa Fosse, Lorraine
Men in Her Diary1945Rosenbloom, Maxie73minRyan, PeggyHall, Jon
Men of Steel1926McLaglen, Victor100minSills, MiltonKenyon, Doris
Michael Jackson: History on Film-Volume II1997King, Don106minAmJackson, Michael
Michigan Kid1947McLaglen, Victor69minHall, JonJohnson, Rita
Midnight Man (Serial) 1919Corbett, James J.O'Connor, KathleenGirard, Joseph W.
Midnight Rose 1928Smith, Gunboat Putti, Lya De Harlan, Kenneth
Midnight Story, The1957Indrisano, John90minCurtis, TonyPavan, Marisa
Mighty Barnum, The 1934Johnson, John Lester 85minBeery, WallaceMenjou, Adolphe
Mighty Joe Young 1949Carnera, PrimoPerry, Jack95min PVBVFFMoore, TerryJohnson, Ben
Mind Twister 1993Barbi, Vincent94minSavalas, TellyNann, Erika
Minges Alley1994Cooney, Gerry88minCocca, JohnRobertson, Rudy
Miracle of Morgan's Creek, The 1943Moran, Frank98minPVBracken, EddieHutton, Betty
Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima, The1952Perry, Jack102minPVRoland, GilbertClarke, Angela
Miracle of the Bells, The 1948Chissell, Noble Kid120minMacMurray, Fred Valli, Alida
Misadventures of Buster Keaton1950Parry, Harvey72minKeaton, BusterAdrian, Iris
Miss Mink of 19491949Parry, Harvey69minLydon, JimmyCollier, Lois
Missing Juror, The 1944Perry, Jack66minBannon, JimCarter, Janis
Mister 8801950Chissell, Noble Kid90minPVLancaster, BurtGwenn, Edmund
M'Lord of the White Road1923McLaglen, VictorHume, MarjorieLindsay, James
Mob Boss1990O'Halloran, Jack Barbi, Vincent 93minHickey, WilliamFairchild, Morgan
Mob Queen1998Cooney, Gerry87minPVProval, DavidMoran, Dan
Modern Times1936Moran, Frank87minPVChaplin, CharlesGoddard, Paulette
Mom and Dad 1945Roper, Jack97minCarlson, June Albright, Hardie
Moment After, The 1999Holmes, Larry89minAmLink, Julie Wilson, Mike
Money Talks1972Ali, Muhammad81minPV
Monster and the Girl, The1941Indrisano, John65minDrew, EllenPaige, Robert
Moonfire1970Liston, Sonny107minPVEgan, RichardNapier, Charles
Moonrunners 1975Giardello, Joey110minMitchum, JamesMartin, Kiel
Morals Squad1960Barbi, Vincent57minO'Connell, BobBennett, Beverly
More Than Famous2003Buffer, Michael70minHernandez, CarlosHernandez, Veronica
Morning Breath2002Breland, Mark shortJamar, LordCarter, Kimberli
Mother Machree1927McLaglen, Victor75minBennett, BelleDe Lacy, Philippe
Mountain Music1937Parry, Harvey76minBurns, BobRaye, Martha
Mr. Broadway1933Dempsey, JackCarnera, Primo 63minLahr, Bert Sullivan, Ed
Mr. Celebrity 1941Jeffries, James J. 67min YTDay, Doris Bushman, Francis X.
Mr. District Attorney1947Chissell, Noble Kid81minAmO'Keefe, DennisMenjou, Adolphe
Mr. Lemon of Orange1931Perry, Jack70minEl BrendelD'Orsay, Fifi
Mr. Moto's Last Warning1939Perry, Jack71minPVLorre, PeterCortez, Ricardo
Mr. Rock and Roll 1957Graziano, Rocky 86minYTFreed, AlanRandazzo, Teddy
Mr. Skitch1933Moran, Frank70minAmRogers, WillHudson, Rochelle
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington 1939Johnson, John Lester 129minStewart, James Arthur, Jean
Mr. Universe1951Rosenbloom, Maxie 89minYTCarson, JackPaige, Janis
Mr. Washington Goes to Town1941Johnson, John Lester 64minMoreland, MantanMiller, F.E.
Mr. What's His Name1935Wells, Billy67minHicks, Seymour Blakeney, Olive
Mugy's Girls aka Delta Pi1985Norton, Ken87minYTGordon, RuthBranigan, Laura
Mule Feathers 1978Chissell, Noble Kid79minCalhoun, RoryKnotts, Don
Mummy's Boy1936Moran, Frank68minWheeler, BertWoolsey, Robert
Mummy's Ghost, The 1944Chissell, Noble Kid61minPVCaradine, JohnLowery, Robert
Mummy's Tomb, The 1942Chissell, Noble Kid61minPVChaney, Jr., LonForan, Dick
Murder at the Vanities1934McLaglen, Victor89minAmBrisson, CarlOakie, Jack
Murder Goes to College1937Indrisano, John77minKarns, RoscoeHunt, Marsha
Murder is My Best 1955Indrisano, John77minPVLangton, PaulPayton, Barbara
Murder My Sweet1944Indrisano, John95minPVPowell, DickTrevor, Claire
Murder's Row1966Barbi, Vincent105minPVMartin, DeanAnn-Margaret
Music Man, The 1962Callahan, MushyChissell, Noble Kid151minPV-BHDPreston, Robert Jones, Shirley
Muss 'em Up1936Rosenbloom, Maxie70minAmFoster, PrestonCallahan, Margaret
Mutants in Paradise1984Mancini, RayGreenquist, BradNicholas, Anna
Mutiny in the Arctic1941Roper, Jack64minArlen, RichardDevine, Andy
My Buddy1944Chissell, Noble Kid67minBarry, Don RedTerry, Ruth
My Dream Is Yours1949Perry, Jack101minPVCarson, JackDay, Doris
My Favorite Spy1942Perry, Jack86minKyser, KayDrew, Ellen
My Five Wives 2000Mancini, Ray
My Last Chance 2013Tyson, Mike7minFarr, CharlieMyrehn, Megan
My Little Chickadee1940Roper, Jack83minPVWest, MaeFields, W.C.
My Man and I1952Indrisano, John99minWinters, ShelleyMontalban, Ricardo
My Master's Garden2010O'Halloran, Jack 9minDaniel, DominickMorales, Jose
My Own True Love1948Perry, Jack84minCalvert, PhyllisDouglas, Melvyn
My Samauri1992Palomino, Carlos 87minYTLee, JulianCullum, Tupper
My Side of the Mountain1969Rosenbloom, Maxie100minPVEccles, Ted Bikel, Theodore
My Son, My Hero1943Rosenbloom, MaxieRoper, Jack66minKelly, PatsyKarns, Roscoe
My Sweet Charlie 1970Moore, Archie 97minBVFFDuke, PattyFreeman, Jr., Al
Mystery In Swing1940Johnson, John Lester68minHawley, MonteWhitten, Marguerite
Mystery Sea Raider1940Indrisano, John73minLandis, CaroleWilcoxon, Henry
Mystery Street1950Chissell, Noble Kid93minAmMontalban, RicardoForrest, Sally
Nail1973Barbi, VincentshortBrown, ScottCapsuto, Cappy
Naked Gun 33 1/31994Cobb, Randall Tex83minPVNielsen, Leslie Presley, Priscilla
Naked Movie2002Mancini, Ray83minKass, Sam HenryMcAlevey, Peter
Naked Street, The 1955Indrisano, John84minPVGranger, FarleyQuinn, Anthony
Naked Zoo1970Pastrano, Willie85minBVFFHayworth, Rita Oliver, Steve
Nancy Drew Reporter 1939Perry, Jack68minPVGranville, BonitaLitel, John
Nancy Steel is Missing!1937McLaglen, Victor84minConnolly, WalterLorre, Peter
Nasty Hero 1987Palomino, Carlos 75minYTFeraco, ScottSedgwick, Robert
Naughty But Nice1939Rosenbloom, Maxie89minSheridan, AnnPowell, Dick
Naughty Nineties, The1945Indrisano, John76minAmAbbott, BudCostello, Lou
Navy Comes Through, The 1942Baer, Max 82minBVFFO'Brien, PatMurphy, George
Navy Wife1935Moran, Frank69minTrevor, ClaireBellamy, Ralph
Neath Brooklyn Bridge1942Moran, Frank61minPVGorcey, LeoHall, Huntz
Necessary Roughness1991Holyfield, Evander108minBVFFPlutoBakula, ScottElizondo, Hector
Neighbor2007Bentt, Michael98minModine, MatthewLaroque, Michele
Never Give a Sucker an Even Break1941Roper, Jack71minAmFields, W.C.Jean, Gloria
Never Love a Stranger 1958Simon, Abe Barbi, Vincent Barbi, Vincent91minBarrymore, John DrewMilan, Lita
Never Steal Anything Small1959Van, FrankieBarbi, Vincent Perry, JackParry, Harvey94minCagney, JamesJones, Shirley
New Jersey Turnpike 1999Jones, Jr., RoyGrammar, KelseyAngelica, Roberta
New Life Style, The (Just to Be Love)1968Graziano, RockyLa Motta, Jake91minTappert, HorstKerr, Charlotte
New York Cop 1993Antofuermo, Vito 93minPVMcQueen, ChadSorvino, Mira
Niche2002Bentt, MichaelshortBarlog, CoryTotah, Isa
Nifty Nurses 1934Wells, Billy20minDowns, JohnnySweet, Sally
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian2009Foreman, George105minPVWilliams, RobinStiller, Ben
Night Club Girl 1945Rosenbloom, Maxie61minAustin, VivianNorris, Edward
Night of the Hunter, The 1955Chissell, Noble KidPerry, Jack92minPVMitchum, Robert Winters, Shelley
Nightmare Alley1947Perry, Jack110minAmPower, TyroneBlondell, Joan
Nine Legends2016Tyson, Mike122min
Nitwits, The1935Roper, JackPerry, Jack81minWheeler, BertWoolsey, Robert
No Holds Barred 1952Indrisano, John
No Leave, No Love1946Moran, Frank119minJohnson, VanWynn, Keenan
No More Women1934Moran, FrankMcLaglen, Victor76minLowe, EdmundMcLaglen, Victor
No Picnic1928Dempsey, Jack shortHaines, DonaldCombs, Jackie
No Questions Asked 1951Simms, Eddie Indrisano, John80minYTSullivan, BarryDahl, Arlene
No Time For Love1943Roper, JackMoran, Frank83minColbert, ClaudetteMacMurray, Fred
No Time For Sergeants1958Parry, Harvey119minPVGriffith, AndyMcCormick, Myron
North From the Lone Star1941Roper, Jack58minElliot, BillFiske, Richard
Not Exactly Gentleman1931McLaglen, Victor70minWray, FayCody, Lew
Nothing Sacred 1937Rosenbloom, Maxie Lasky, Art 77minPVBVFFLombard, CaroleMarch, Frederic
Now You See Him, Now You Don't1972Gambina, Ralph88minPVRussell, KurtRomero, Cesar
Nutty Professor, The 1963Callahan, Mushy107minPVLewis, JerryStevens, Stella
Oath-Bound 1922McCoy, Kid50minFarnum, DustinTerry, Ethel Grey
Obsession, The 1912Smith, Gunboat short
Ocean's 111960Gambina, RalphGlick, JosephSilvani, AlPerry, Jack Indrisano, John127minPVSinatra, FrankMartin, Dean
Ocean's Eleven2001Klitschko, VladamirDuran, Jacob Stitch116minClooney, George Pitt, Brad
Oceans of Fire 1986Norton, Ken Mancini, Ray 92minAmBVFFHarrison, GregoryWilliams, Billy Dee
Office Love-in1968Barbi, Vincent81minAmWilliams, KathyShain, Harvey
Oklahoma Circle1973Parry, Harvey108minPlutoScott, George C.Dunaway, Faye
Old Louisiana1937Johnson, John Lester 60minKeene, TomHayworth, Rita
Old Mother Riley Detective 1943Wells, Billy80minLucan, Arthur McShane, Kitty
Oliver's Story 1978Torres, Jose91minBVFFO'Neal, RyanBergen, Candice
On Our Merry Way1948Moran, Frank107minAmGoddard, PauletteMeredith, Burgess
On the Level1930McLaglen, Victor65minHarrigan, WilliamTashman, Lilyan
One and Only, The 1978Lennon, Sr., Jimmy97minPVWinkler, HenryDarby, Kim
One Clean Move 1996Palomino, Carlos15minHamlin, HarryBusey, Gary
One Day in Houston2007Foreman, George12minAdams, YolandaAnderson, Laura
One Hour to Live1939Roper, Jack61minBickford, CharlesNolan, Doris
One Jump Ahead 1955Mills, Freddie 66minCarpentier, PaulHart, Diane
One Mile From Heaven 1937Johnson, John Lester 67minTrevor, ClaireBlane, Sally
One Night at Suzie's1930Perry, Jack62minDove, BillieFairbanks, Jr., Douglas
One Wild Night1938Parry, Harvey72minLang, JuneBaldwin, Dick
Operation Resurrection 2013Mancini, Ray48minArmstrong, CurtisChambers, Andrew
Oscar Talk2011Tyson, MikeshortMaltin, Leonard
Other Dream Team, The 2012Lampley, Jim89minPVMarciulionis, SarunasSabonis, Arvydas
Other Love, The1947Indrisano, John95minStanwyck, BarbaraNiven, David
Our Hearts Were Growing Up1946Indrisano, John83minRussell, GailLynn, Diana
Out of Africa: Heroes and Icons 2005Lewis, LennoxAli, MuhammadBruno, FrankEubank, Chris90minLester, Adrian
Outfit, The 1973Moore, Archie La Starza, Roland 103minPVBVFFDuval, Robert Black, Karen
Outsider, The2005Tyson, Mike85minAllen, WoodyDowney Jr., Robert
Over She Goes 1937Baer, MaxLupino, StanleyLuce, Claire
Over the Wall1943Moran, Frank21minClark, DaneTully, Tom
P.K. and the Kid 1987Ortega, Rudy 89minLe Mat, PaulRingwald, Molly
Pacific Blackout1941Moran, Frank76minPreston, RobertO'Driscoll, Martha
Pacific Liner1939McLaglen, Victor76minMorris, ChesterBarrie, Wendy
Pain and Gain2013Klitschko, Wladimir129minPVWahlberg, MarkJohnson, Dwayne
Paint Your Wagon1969Parry, Harvey164minPV-StarzMarvin, LeeEastwood, Clint
Painted Veil, The 1934Perry, Jack85minPVGarbo, GretaMarshall, Herbert
Pal Joey1957Perry, Jack111minPVHayworth, RitaSinatra, Frank
Paleface, The 1948Chissell, Noble KidPerry, Jack91minPVHope, BobRussell, Jane
Palm Beach Story, The 1942Moran, Frank88minPVColbert, ClaudetteMcCrea, Joel
Panama Deception, The 1992Duran, RobertoAmMontgomery, ElizabethCantu, Carlos
Panama Hattie1942Perry, Jack79minPVSkelton, RedSothern, Ann
Panhandle1948Roper, JackPerry, Jack85minAmCameron, RodDowns, Cathy
Panic Button1964Barbi, Vincent90minChevalier, MauriceParker, Eleanor
Pantomania, or Dick Whittington 1956Mills, Freddie Kent, JeanPeters, Sylvia
Pantomania, or It Was Never Like This 1955Mills, Freddie Peters, SlyviaDay, Jill
Papa's Delicate Condition1963Indrisano, John98minPVGleason, JackieJohns, Glynis
Paper Lion1968Robinson, Ray107minPVAlda, AlanHutton, Laura
Paradise 2004Bernstein, Al Olajide, MichaelStrathairn, DavidHershey, Barbara
Paradise Alley1978Gambina, RalphCanalito, Lee109minBVFFPVStallone, Slyvester Assante, Armond
Pardners1956Chissell, Noble Kid90minPVMartin, DeanLewis, Jerry
Pardon My Past 1945Moran, Frank88minMacMurray, FredChapman, Marguerite
Park Avenue Logger1937O'Brien, George 67min BVFFO'Brien, GeorgeRoberts, Beatrice
Passionate Adventure, The 1924McLaglen, VictorJoyce, AliceDaw, Marjorie
Passport Husband1938Moran, Frank72minErwin, StuartMoore, Pauline
Passport to Alcatraz1940Rosenbloom, Maxie60minHolt, JackBeery, Jr., Noah
Pathfinder, The 1952Bloom, Phil78minMontgomery, GeorgeCarter, Helena
Patrick the Great 1945Cartier, Walter 84minO'Connor, Donald Ryan, Peggy
Paul McCartney & Wings: Band on the Run2010Conteh, John45minO'Leary, DermotMcCartney, Paul
Pay of Die1960Barbi, Vincent111minAmBorgnine, ErnestLampert, Zohra
Payoff, The 1935Moran, Frank64minDunn, JamesDodd, Claire
Pen Therapy2018Kalllen, JackieshortArpachinda, RexBrown, Lomas
Penny Serenade1941Moran, Frank119minPVGrant, CaryDunne, Irene
Penthouse Rhythm1945Rosenbloom, Maxie60minGrant, KirbyCollier, Lois
Percy1925McLaglen, Victor60minRay, CharlesDresser, Louise
Perfect Furlough, The 1958Van, Frankie93minCurtis, TonyLeigh, Janet
Perfect Specimen, The 1937Perry, JackRoper, Jack97minFlynn, ErrolBlondell, Joan
Perils of Pauline, The 1947Rosenbloom, Maxie96minPVHutton, BettyLund, John
Perry Mason: The Case of the Defiant Daughter 1990O'Halloran, Jack 100minBurr, RaymondHale, Barbara
Pershing's Paths of Glory2018Duran, Roberto46minPershing, SandraPatton, Helen
Phantom, The (Serial)1943Indrisano, John299minPV-FandorTyler, TomBates, Jeanne
Phynx, The 1970Louis, Joe 81minPVMiller, Michael A.Chippeway, Ray
Pick a Star1937Perry, Jack76minHaley, JackLawrence,Rosina
Picture People No. 1 Stars in Defense1941McLaglen, Victor8min
Picture Snatcher1933Perry, Jack77minPVCagney, JamesBellamy, Ralph
Pier 23 1951Indrisano, John58minAmBeaumont, HughSavage, Ann
Pilgrimage1933Moran, Frank96minAmCrosman, HenriettaAngel, Heather
Pillow Talk1959Indrisano, John102minPVHudson, RockDay, Doris
Pilot #51943Indrisano, John71minTone, FranchotHunt, Marsha
Pinky1949Chissell, Noble Kid102minPVCrain, JeanneBarrymore, Ethel
Pipe Down 1929Smith, Gunboat 20minPollard, Sam Kearney, John
Pistol Packin' Mama1943Chissell, Noble Kid64minTerry, RuthLivingston, Robert
Pittsburgh1942Van, Frankie92minAmDietrich, MarleneWayne, John
Pizza Hut Celebrity1997Foreman, Georgeshort
Plot Thickens, The1936Indrisano, John69minGleason, JamesPitts, Zasu
Plough and the Stars, The 1936Moran, Frank72minStanwyck, BarbaraFoster, Preston
Pocketful of Miracles 1961Callahan, MushyBloom, PhilGlick, JosephChissell, Nobel Kid136minPVFord, GlennDavis, Bette
Point Blank 1967La Starza, Roland92minMarvin, LeeDickinson, Angie
Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol 1987Cobb, Randall Tex88minPV-CinemaxGuttenberg, Steve Smith, Bubba
Powder Town1942Perry, Jack79minMcLaglen, VictorO'Brien, Edmond
Power Girl, The1943Indrisano, John93minMurphy, GeorgeShirley, Anne
Power Town1942McLaglen, Victor79minO'Brien, EdmondHavoc, June
Prey of the Dragon, The 1921McLaglen, VictorBraban, HarveyJennings, Gladys
Pride and the Man 1917Kaufman, Al Russell, WilliamBillington, Francelia
Prince O'Hara1935Moran, Frank79minParker, JeanMorris, Chester
Prince Valiant 1954Carnera, PrimoNova, LouMcLaglen, Victor100minBVFFPVMason, JamesLeigh, Janet
Princess and the Pirate, The 1944Moran, FrankMcLaglen, Victor94minPVHope, BobMayo, Virginia
Prison Ship1945Chissell, Noble Kid58minFoch, NinaLowery, Robert
Prisoner of Shark Island 1936Johnson, John Lester 96minBaxter, WarnerStuart, Gloria
Private Detective1939Rosenbloom, Maxie55minWyman, JaneForan, Dick
Prodigal, The 1955Parry, Harvey112minPVTurner, LanaPurdom, Edmund
Professional Soldier1935McLaglen, Victor75minBartholomew, FreddieStuart, Gloria
Professor Beware 1938Perry, Jack93minLloyd, HaroldWelch, Phyllis
Professor Creeps 1942Johnson, John Lester 63minMoreland, MantanMiller, F.E.
Prom Night III: The Last Kiss1990Chuvalo, George 97minAmConlon, TimPreston, Cynthia
Proud Ones, The1956Chissell, Noble Kid94minPV-StarzRyan, RobertMayo, Virigina
Public Deb No. 11940Rosenbloom, Maxie79minMurphy, GeorgeJoyce, Brenda
Public Disturbance2018Tyson, Mike84minPVBrooks, BeauBrooks, Luke
Public Enemies1941Chissell, Noble Kid68minBarrie, WendyTerry, Phillip
Public Enemies2009Bentt, Michael140minPVBale, ChristianDepp, Johnny
Public Hero Number 11935Moran, Frank89minBarrymore, LionelArthur, Jean
Purple Gang, The 1959Indrisano, John85minPVSullivan, BarryBlake, Robert
Quo Vadis 1951Baer, Buddy 171min BVFFTaylor, RobertKerr, Deborah
Race Street1948Steele, Freddie 79minYTRaft, GeorgeBendix, William
Racket Busters1938Bloom, PhilChissell, Noble Kid71minBogart, HumphreyBrent, George
Racket Girls 1951Lennon, Sr., Jimmy70minAmPage, PeachesFarrell, Timothy
Racket, The 1928Perry, Jack84minMeighan, ThomasWolheim, Louis
Rackety Rax1932McLaglen, Victor70minNissen, GretaO'Day, Nell
Radio Patrol1932Johnson, John Lester 65minArmstrong, Robert Hopton, Russell
Rails Into Laramie1954Bloom, PhilPerry, Jack81minPayne, JohnBlanchard, Mari
Rainmakers, The 1935Moran, Frank78minPVWheeler, BertWoolsey, Robert
Raintree County1957Glick, Joseph160minClift, MontgomeryTaylor, Elizabeth
Raising Arizona1987Cobb, Randall Tex94minBVFFCage, NicholasHunter, Holly
Rampage 1987Palomino, Carlos 97minYTBiehn, MichaelMcArthur, Alex
Range Terror, The 1925Sharkey, Tom Custer, Bob Kissel, Anastasia Georgina
Raton Pass1951Chissell, Noble Kid84minPVMorgan, DennisNeal, Patricia
Raw Nerve1991Cobb, Randall Tex91minBVFFFord, GlennBergman, Sandahl
Ready to Rumble2000Buffer, Michael107minPVArquette, DavidPlatt, Oliver
Reality Queen2020Tyson, Mike84minWest, Julia FayeRichards, Denise
Reclaim2014Camacho, Hector 96minPVCusack, JohnPhillippe, Ryan
Red Badge of Courage, The 1951Nova, Lou69minPVMurphy, AudieMauldin, Bill
Red Barry (Serial)1938Roper, Jack256minAmCrabbe, Buster Robinson, Frances
Red Canyon1949Bloom, Phil82minBlyth, AnnDuff, Howard
Red Mark, The1928Roper, Jack80minQuartero, NinaGlass, Gaston
Redbelt2008Mancini, Ray99minPVEjofor, ChiwetelAllen, Tim
Redbelt: Behind the Scenes2008Mancini, Ray19minEjofor, Chiwetel
Redbelt: Inside Mixed Martial Arts2008Mancini, Ray19minEjofor, Chiwetel
Redemption 2009Bentt, MichaelshortPV-DCMinkow, BarryKirkland, Sally
Regan Round2012Tyson, MikeshortBrown, ReggieDelaney, Rob
Reign of Terror1949Perry, Jack89minPVCummings, RobertBasehart, Richard
Relish2019Palomino, Carlos97minPVDiChiara, TylerHayes, Hana
Remembrance2009O'Halloran, Jack 16minBox, DennyBrockman, Cary
Resolve: A Guide to Post Traumatic Growth 2012Rijiker, Lucia82minAngelfire, ZangHartnett, Shannon
Return of Elliot Ness, The 1991Chuvalo, George 120minStack, Robert Coleman, Jack
Return of Mod Squad, The 1979Malave, Chu Chu100minCole, MichaelWilliams III, Clarence
Return of the Ape Man1944Moran, Frank60minLugosi, BelaCarradine, John
Return of the Gunfighter 1967Chissell, Noble Kid98minPVTaylor, RobertEverett, Chad
Revolt in the Big House1958Indrisano, John79minEvans, GeneBlake, Robert
Rhubarb1951Perry, Jack94minPVMilland, RaySterling, Jan
Ride Beyond Vengence1966Baer, Buddy101minPVConnors, ChuckRennie, Michael
Ride Clear of Diablo1954Perry, Jack81minMurphy, AudieCabot, Susan
Ride Out for Revenge1957Perry, Jack78minPV-StarzCalhoun, RoryGrahame, Gloria
Ride to the Hangman's Tree, The1967Chissell, Noble Kid90minLord, JackJohnson, Melodie
Ridin the Cherokee Trail1941Roper, Jack59minRitter, TexAndrews, Slim
Riding High 1950Baer, Max112minPVCrosby, BingGray, Coleen
Rio1939McLaglen, Victor77minRathbone, BasilGurie, Sigrid
Rio Bravo1959Chissell, Noble KidPerry, Jack141minPVWayne, JohnMartin, Dean
Rio Grande1950McLaglen, Victor105minPV-StarzWayne, JohnO'Hara, Maureen
Riot 1997Leonard, Ray 94min BVFFBasco, Dante
Risen2010Spinks, LeonMorales, ErikStracey, John H.Minter, Alan121minPVBrennan, StuartNoble, John
River of Fundament 2014Holmes, Larry319minBald Eagle, DaveGraves, Milford
River of No Return1954Bloom, Phil91minPVMitchum, Robert
River Pirate, The1928McLaglen, Victor77minMoran, LoisStuart, Nick
Road Show1941Perry, Jack87minPVMenjou, AdolpheLandis, Carole
Road to Bali1952Bloom, Phil91minPVCrosby, BingHope, Bob
Road to Rio1947Chissell, Noble Kid100minAmCrosby, BingHope, Bob
Road to Utopia1945Moran, Frank90minPVCrosby, BingHope, Bob
Robin and the 7 Hoods1964Silvani, AlGlick, Joseph123minPVSinatra, FrankMartin, Dean
Rock vs. Cena: Once in a Lifetime2012Tyson, Mike45minJohnson, Dwayne
Roger Touhy, Gangster1944McLaglen, Victor65minFoster, PrestonAndrews, Lois
Rollerball2002Rijiker, Lucia98minCinemaxKlein, ChrisReno, Jean
Rolling Down the Great Divide 1942Roper, Jack59minPVBoyd, BillyDavis, Art
Romany, The 1923McLaglen, VictorNorman, IreneBraban, Harvey
Rooftops 1989Wallace, ColeyGedrick, JasonByer, Troy
Roosevelt Story, The1947Lee, Canada80minRoosevelt, Franklin DelanorRoosevelt, Anna Eleanor
Rootin Tootin Tenderfeet 1952Baer, Max Rosenbloom, Maxie 16minCurtis, DickWilles, Jean
Rose of the Rancho1936Perry, Jack85minBoles, JohnSwarthout, Gladys
Rough Night in Jericho1967Chissell, Noble Kid104minAmMartin, DeanSimmons, Jean
Rough, Tough, and Ready1945McLaglen, Victor66minMorris, ChesterRogers, Jean
Royal Flash1975Cooper, Henry102minAmMcDowell, Malcolm
Rulon Gardner Won't Die2020Lampley, Jim89minCostas, BobCouric, Katie
Rumble on the Docks1956Perry, JackIndrisano, John82minAmDarren, JamesCarroll, Laurie
Rx2005Duran, Jacob Stitch89minEpixBalfour, Eric Hanks, Colin
Saga of Hemp Brown, The1958Chissell, Noble Kid80minCalhoun, RoryGarland, Beverly
Sailing Along 1938Wells, Billy80minMatthews, Jessie McKay, Barry
Sailors Lady1940Parry, Harvey77minKelly, NancyHall, Jon
Sailor's Luck1933Moran, Frank64minPVDunn, JamesEilers, Sally
Sally and Saint Anne1952Van, FrankieBloom, Phil90minBlyth, AnnGwenn, Edmund
Salome1953Nova, Lou103minPVHayworth, RitaGranger, Stewart
Salty O'Rourke1945Moran, Frank100minLadd, AlanRussell, Gail
Salute2008Foreman, George120minPVKirby, Christopher
Salute for Three1943Moran, Frank74minRhodes, Betty JaneCarey, Macdonald
San Francisco1936Perry, Jack115minPVGable, ClarkMacDonald, Jeanette
San Quentin1937Chissell, Noble KidParry, Harvey70minPVO'Brien, PatSheridan, Ann
Sangaree1953Chissell, Noble Kid94minLamas, FernandoDahl, Arlene
Santiago1956Parry, Harvey93minLadd, AlanPodesta, Rossana
Saturday Night Out 1964Mills, Freddie PVSears, Heather Lee, Bernard
Savage Streets 1984O'Grady, Sean Blair, Linda Vernon, John
Say It Again 1926Smith, Gunboat 80minPVDix, RichardMills, Alyce
Scaramouche1952Chissell, Noble Kid115minPVGranger, StewartLeigh, Janet
Scarface1932Perry, Jack93minPVMuni, PaulDvorak, Ann
Scarlet Angel1952Van, FrankiePerry, Jack81minHudson, RockDe Carlo, Yvonne
Scarlet Coat, The 1955Chissell, Noble Kid101minPVWilde, CornelWilding, Michael
Scary Movie V2013Tyson, Mike88minPVRex, SimonTisdale, Ashley
Screen Snapshots Series 14, No. 11934McLaglen, Victor10min
Screen Snapshots Series 15, No. 71936McLaglen, Victor10min
Screen Snapshots Series 16, No. 41936McLaglen, Victor10min
Screen Snapshots Series 16, No. 81937McLaglen, Victor10min
Screen Snapshots Series 18, No. 41938Rosenbloom, Maxie10min
Screen Snapshots Series 21, No. 61942Rosenbloom, Maxie9minMowbray, Alan
Sea Chase, The1955Indrisano, John117minPVWayne, JohnTurner, Lana
Sea Devils1937Moran, FrankMcLaglen, Victor88minFoster, PrestonFoster, Preston
Sea Fury1958McLaglen, Victor 97minBVFFBaker, StanleyPaluzzi, Luciana
Search For One-Eyed Jimmy1996Mancini, Ray 80minMcCallany, HoltBadalucco, Michael
Secret Service 1919McCoy, Kid60minWarwick, RobertHawley, Wanda
Secrets of a Nurse1938Roper, Jack75minLowe, EdmundMack, Helen
Secrets of Beauty1951Parry, Harvey117minAmWestmore, ErnBishop, Julie
Senator Was Indiscreet, The1947Perry, Jack88minPowell, WilliamRaines, Ella
Sensation Hunters1933Moran, Frank73minAmJudge, ArlineFoster, Preston
Serpent in the Bottle 2020Pepeli, Rocky 89minChristopher, MelissaDiehl, John
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers1954Indrisano, John102minPVPowell, JaneKeel, Howard
Seven Ways From Sundown1960Chissell, Noble Kid87minMurphy, AudieSullivan, Barry
Seven Year Itch1955Chissell, Noble Kid105minPVMonroe, MarilynEwell, Tom
Shadow of the Thin Man1941Roper, JackChissell, Noble Kid97minPVPowell, WilliamLoy, Myrna
Shadow on the Wall1950Indrisano, John84minSothern, AnnScott, Zachary
Shadow Returns, The1946Chissell, Noble Kid61minPVRichmond, KaneRead, Barbara
Shaft 1971Brown, Drew Bundini 100minPVRoundtree, RichardGunn, Moses
Shaft's Big Score!1972Brown, Drew Bundini 104minPVRoundtree, RichardGunn, Moses
Shakiest Gun in the West, The 1968Barbi, VincentChissell, Noble Kid101minPVKnotts, DonRhoades, Barbara
Shall We Dance1937Moran, Frank109minPVAstaire, FredRogers, Ginger
Shanghai Chest1948Bloom, Phil65minWinters, RolandMoreland, Mantan
Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!2015Kellerman, Max93minPVZiering, IanReid, Tara
Sharknado: Feeding Frenzy2015Kellerman, Max78minPVBales, PaulBeadle, Michelle
Sharp Shooters 1928Roper, Jack60minO'Brien, GeorgeMoran, Lois
She Done Him Wrong1933Moran, Frank66minPVWest, MaeGrant, Cary
She Gets Her Man1935Bloom, PhilPerry, JackIndrisano, John65minPitts, ZasuO'Connell, Hugh
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon1949McLaglen, Victor104minPVWayne, JohnDru, Joanne
Sheepman, The1958Perry, Jack85minFord, GlennMacLaine, Shirley
Sherlock Holmes in New York1976Barbi, VincentParry, Harvey99minMoore, RogerHuston, John
Sherlock's Home 1924McCoy, Kidshort Vaughn, AlbertaShort, Gertrude
Shield for Murder1954Perry, Jack82minPVO'Brien, EdmondAgar, Johnny
Ships of the Night1928Moran, Frank62minLogan, JacquelineKamiyama, Sojin
Short Fuse 2007Bojado, Francisco "Pachito"BVFF
Show of Shows 1929Carpentier, Georges 128minBVFFFay, FrankCourtenay, William
Sicilian Vampire 2015Chuvalo, George 124minPVAltomare, VittorioAssante, Armond
Sidekicks1992Martin, Christy101minNorris, ChuckBridges, Beau
Sierra Passage1950Chissell, Noble Kid81minMorris, WayneAlbright, Lois
Signal Lost2013Tyson, Mike120minBriggs, TaraBabcock,Jordan
Silent Movie1976Parry, Harvey87minAmBrooks, MelFeldman, Marty
Silent Night Deadly Night 3: You Better Watch Out 1989Palomino, Carlos 90minBVFFScully, SamanthaMoseley, Bill
Silent Witness1943Chissell, Noble Kid62minAlbertson, FrankWrixon, Maris
Silver City1951Parry, Harvey90minPVO'Brien, EdmondDe Carlo, Yvonne
Silver Lining, The 1919Wells, BillyMilne, EllaButtery, Richard
Silver Lode1954Perry, Jack81minPVPayne, JohnScott, Lizabeth
Silver River1948Perry, Jack110minAmFlynn, ErrolSheridan, Ann
Simon Lash: The Black Book1960Barbi, VincentEdwards, ElaineKemmer, Ed
Sin of Harold Diddlebock, The 1947Moran, Frank89minPVLloyd, HaroldRamsden, Frances
Since You Went Away1944Chissell, Noble Kid177minAmColbert, ClaudetteJones, Jennifer
Sing and Like It1934Perry, Jack72minPitts, ZasuKelton, Pert
Singing in the Dark1956Simon, Abe 84minOysher, MoysheHill, Phyllis
Six Gun Justice1935Moran, Frank57minCody, BillReed, Donald
Sixty-Five Special 1958Mills, Freddie Donegan, LonnieValentine, Dickie
Slapsie Maxies 1939Rosenbloom, Maxie 17minDavis, JohnnyFaylen, Frank
Slaughter on 10th Avenue1957Perry, Jack103minEgan, RichardSterling, Jan
Slick Chick1941Rosenbloom, MaxieArmetta, Henry
Slightly French1949Perry, Jack81minLaMour, DorothyAmeche, Don
Slightly Honorable1939Perry, Jack85minPVO'Brien, PatArnold, Edward
Slightly Scarlet1956Baer, Buddy99minPVPayne, JohnFleming, Rhonda
Smart Alecks1942Rosenbloom, Maxie 67minBVFFEastside Kids
Smithfield's Llama Guy2009Tillis, James Quickshort YTCarr, TimFord, Bart
Smugglers, The 1968Indrisano, John97minBooth, ShirleyCattani, Rico
Snatched2011Holmes, Larry81minPVMcCarthy, AndrewBorgnine, Ernest
Snow White and the Three Stooges1961Baer, Buddy107minPVHoward, MoeFine, Larry
So This Is New York1948Perry, Jack79minMorgan, HenryValle, Rudy
So You Want to Hold Your Wife 1947Moran, Frank11minO'Hanlon, GeorgeGilmore, Art
Solitary2015Calzaghe, Joe89minPVMcEwan, Katharine LeeTaylor, Sarina
Some Kind of Hero1982Parry, Harvey97minPVPryor, RichardKidder, Margot
Some Like It Hot1959Glick, JosephBloom, PhilChissell, Noble KidPerry, Jack121minPVMonroe, MarilynCurtis, Tony
Something For a Lonely Man 1968Chissell, Noble Kid120minBlocker, DanClark, Susan
Something to Live For1952Indrisano, John89minPVFontaine, JoanMilland, Ray
Something's Happening1967Ali, Muhammad75minAmFranzoni, CarlArthur, William
Somewhere in the Night 1946Nova, Lou110minAmHodiak, JohnGuild, Nancy
Son of Paleface 1952Bloom, Phil95minAmHope, BobRussell, Jane
Song and Dance Man1936Parry, Harvey72minTrevor, ClaireKelly, Paul
Song of Arizona1946Chissell, Noble Kid68minPVRogers, RoyHayes, George Gabby
Song of the Eagle1933Moran, Frank83minBickford, CharlesArlen, Richard
Song of the Thin Man 1947Simms, Eddie 86minPVPowell, William Loy, Myrna
Sorrowful Jones1949Chissell, Noble Kid88minAmHope, BobBall, Lucille
South of Pago Pago1940McLaglen, Victor98minHall, JonFarmer, Frances
South Sea Sinner1950Perry, Jack88minCarey, MacDonaldWinters, Shelley
Southern Exposure 1935Bloom, Phil21minChase, CharlieBergen, Constance
Space Fury 1999Chuvalo, George 80minAmPare, Michael Bingley, Lisa
Spartacus1960Parry, Harvey197minAmDouglas, KirkSimmons, Jean
Speed Zone aka Cannonball Fever1989Spinks, Michael 94minYTBoyle, PeterDixon, Donna
Speedy1928Perry, Jack85minAmLloyd, HaroldChristy, Ann
Spider Returns, The (Serial)1941Roper, Jack300minHull, WarrenAinslee, Mary
Spider, The 1931Johnson, John Lester 59minLowe, EdmundMoran, Lois
Spiral 2018Duddy, John 17minWesen, RyanGreiner, Christopher
Spirt of St. Louis, The 1957Chissell, Noble Kid135minPVStewart, JamesHamilton, Murray
Splendor in the Grass 1964La Motta, Jake 124min BVFFBeatty, WarrenWood, Natile
Sport at Heart 2005Kahn, Amirshort
Sport in America: Our Defining Stories2013Leonard, Sugar Ray95min
Sport of Kings, The1921McLaglen, VictorMunro, DouglasPercival, Cyril
Springtime for Henry1934Perry, Jack75minKruger, OttoCarroll, Nancy
Square Shooter ( Skipalong Rosenbloom) 1951Rosenbloom, Maxie Baer, Max72minCoogan, JackieKnight, Fuzzy
St. Valentine's Day Massacre1967Barbi, VincentCallahan, Mushy100minPVRobards, JasonSegal, George
Stage Coach Express1942Steele, Freddie (stunts)57minBarry, Don RedMerrick, Lynn
Stage to Tucson1950Moran, Frank81minCameron, RodMorris, Wayne
Star Spangled Rhythm1942Moran, Frank99minAmCrosby, BingHope, Bob
Star Trek 2009Rijiker, Lucia127minPVPine, ChrisQuinto, Zachary
Star, The 1952Indrisano, John89minPVDavis, BetteHayden, Sterling
Stars Over Broadway1935Dempsey, Jack Moran, Frank89minO'Brien, PatFroman, Jane
State of the Union1948Lennon, Sr., Jimmy124minAmTracy, SpencerHepburn, Katharine
State Property 2 (Blood on the Streets)2005Bentt, Michael BVFF
Station West 1948Chissell, Noble Kid97minPVPowell, DickGreer, Jane
Steady Company1932Perry, Jack65minFoster, NormanClyde, June
Steamboat Round the Bend 1935Johnson, John Lester 82minRogers, WillShirley, Anne
Stilleto2008Vargas, Fernando99minAmKatic, StanaBerenger, Tom
Sting, The 1973Gambina, Ralph129minPVRedford, RobertNewman, Paul
Stir Crazy1980Silvani, Al111minPVWilder, GenePryor, Richard
Stolen Harmony1935Perry, Jack80minRaft, GeorgeBernie, Ben
Stolen Jools, The 1931McLaglen, Victor20minPVLaurel, StanHardy, Oliver
Stone Cold Dead 1979Chuvalo, George 108minPVCrenna, RichardWilliams, Paul
Stones for Ibarra1988Palomino, Carlos96minClose, GlennCarradine, Keith
Stop That Cab1951Roper, Jack58minMelton, SidAdrian, Iris
Stop, Your Killing Me1952Callahan, Mushy86minCrawford, BroderickTrevor, Claire
Stork Pays Off, The 1941Rosenbloom, Maxie68minJory, VictorHudson, Rochelle
Story of Doctor Carver, The 1938Johnson, John Lester 10minGraves, JessieHall, Ben
Story of G.I. Joe 1945Steele, Freddie 108minYTMeredith, BurgessMitchum, Robert
Straight From the Shoulder 1921McCoy, Kid60minJones, Buck Ferguson, Helen
Strangers Kiss 1983Palomino, Carlos 94min BVFFCoyote, PeterTennant, Victoria
Street with No Name, The 1948Chissell, Noble Kid91minAmStevens, MarkWidmark, Richard
Strictly Dynamite1934Perry, Jack71minDurante, JimmyVelez, Lupe
Strong Boy1929McLaglen, Victor62minJoy, LeatriceMacDonald, J. Farrell
Stud, The 1978Conteh, John95minCollins, JoanTobias, Oliver
Student Teachers, The 1973Barbi, Vincent78minDamante, SusanMills, Brooke
Student Tour1934Indrisano, John84minDurante, JimmyButterworth, Charles
Style Wars 1983Camacho, Hector 69minPVDemonKase 2
Submarine Patrol1938Rosenbloom, MaxieMoran, Frank95minGreene, RichardFoster, Preston
Sullivan's Travels1941Moran, Frank90minPVMcCrea, JoelLake, Veronica
Summer of Sam1999Holyfield, EvanderBreland, Mark142minPVLeguizamo, JohnBrody, Adrien
Superman 1 1978O'Halloran, Jack 143minBVFFReeve, ChristoperKidder, Margot
Superman 2 1980O'Halloran, Jack 127minBVFFReeve, ChristoperHackman, Gene
Superman: Requiem2011O'Halloran, Jack 82minRichardson, MartinSobieski, Stacy
Supremacy2011Bentt, MichaelshortBerry, CleoBobeau, Robin
Surf and Sail 1929Tunney, Gene short DeMille, Cecil B.Wood, Gar
Surf Girl, The 1916Kaufman, Al 20minSchade, FritzGriffith, Raymond
Suspense 1946Chissell, Noble Kid101minAmBelitaSullivan, Barry
Suture1993Barbi, Vincent96minPVHaysbert, DennisHarris, Mel
Swamp Country1966Barbi, Vincent93minAmAllen, RexKnight, Baker
Sweating to the Oldies 21990Camacho, Hector Simmons, Richard
Sweet Charity1969Chissell, Noble Kid149minAmMacLaine, ShirleyMcMartin, John
Sweet Daddy Siki2017Chuvalo, George 78minSiki, RichardCopeland, Adam
Sweet Surrender1935Dempsey, Jack 85minParker, FrankLynd, Helen
Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song 1971Barbi, Vincent97minPVPeeples, Melvin VanScales, Hubert
Swell Head1935Moran, Frank63minFord, WallaceMoore, Dickie
Swing Fever 1943Rosenbloom, Maxie Nova, LouRoper, Jack79minBVFFKyser, KayMaxwell, Marilyn
Swing Shift Maisie1943Steele, Freddie87minSothern, AnnCraig, James
Sworn To Vengence 1993Lane, Mills95min BVFFConrad, RobertMcNamara, William
Sylvia Scarlett1935Moran, Frank95minPVHepburn, KatharineGrant, Cary
Take It From Me1937Baer, Buddy78minMiller, MaxLynne, Betty
Tale of Elsie Bossing, The 1974Cooper, Henry7minFletcher, Cyril
Tall Target, The 1951Nova, Lou78minAmPowell, DickRaymond, Paula
Tampico1944McLaglen, Victor75minRobinson, Edward G.Bari, Lynn
Tank Malling1989Conteh, John96minWinstone, RayDonohue, Amanda
Tao of Pong, The 2004Lampley, Jim22minConstanzo, PauloBusey, Jake
Tao of the Golden Mask2007Spinks, Leon60minTownstead, RobertOlivier, Jackeline
Tarnished1950Perry, Jack60minPatrick, DorothyFranz, Arthur
Tarzan's Revenge 1938Johnson, John Lester 70minMorris, GlennHolm, Eleanor
Tattoo, The 1912Kaufman, Al Darkfeather, MonaBetram, William
Tattoos: A Scarred History2009Calzaghe, Joe97minCarradine, DavidBenz, Julie
Teddy Bear's Picnic2001Lampley, Jim80minAmMichel, DelauneFairchild, Morgan
Teddy Laughs Last1921Hayes, TeddyshortEdwards, Audrey
Teen Wolf Too1987Denkin, MartyPVBateman, JasonDarby, Kim
Teenage Millionaire1961Chissell, Noble KidGraziano, Rocky84minClanton, JimmyPitts, Zasu
Telethon1977Robinson, Ray100minBergen, PollyBridges, Lloyd
Tempest 1958Silvani, AlPVMangano, SilvanaHeflin, Van
Ten North Frederick1958Indrisano, John102minCooper, GaryVarsi, Diane
Tension1949Indrisano, John95minAmBasehart, RichardTotter, Audrey
Terminal Force1989Barbi, Vincent84minAmHarrison, RichardDonahue, Troy
That's the Spirit1945Roper, Jack87minRyan, PeggyOakie, Jack
That's the Ticket 1998Frazier, Joe 63minBVFFField, SidWalters, Hal
The Doctor aka The Doctor and the Playgirl 1963Graziano, Rocky 80minO'Daniels, MarkHutchinson, Ann
There Ain't No Justice 1939Wells, Billy83minHanley, JimmyRigby, Edward
There Goes My Girl1937Parry, Harvey74minRaymond, GeneSothern, Ann
There's One Born Every Minute 1942Van, Frankie60minHerbert, HughMoran, Peggy
They Gave Him a Gun1937Moran, Frank94minTracy, SpencerGeorge, Gladys
They Live 1988Morrison, Tommy BVFFPiper, RoddyDavid, Keith
They Shoot Horses Don't They?1969Chissell, Noble Kid129minAmFonda, JaneSarrazin, Michael
Thief Who Came to Dinner, The1973Gambina, Ralph104minO'Neal, RyanBisset, Jacqueline
Thin Man Goes Home, The1944Perry, Jack100minPVPowell, WilliamLoy, Myrna
This Is My Affair1937Moran, FrankMcLaglen, VictorJohnson, John Lester100minTaylor, RobertStanwyck, Barbara
This is the Army1943Louis, Joe 121minYTPVMurphy, GeorgeLeslie, Joan
This Is The Life1935Parry, Harvey63minWithers, JaneMcGuire, John
Thoroughly Modern Millie 1967Nova, Lou138minAmAndrews, JulieFox, James
Those High Grey Walls 1939Johnson, John Lester 80minConnolly, Walter Stevens, Oslow
Three Chumps Ahead1934Moran, Frank19minTodd, ThelmaKelly, Patsy
Three Days to Vegas 2007Briggs, Shannon120minFalk, Peter Torn, Rip
Three in the Saddle1945Chissell, Noble Kid61minRitter, TexO'Brien, Dave
Three Missing Links1938Johnson, John Lester 18minThree Stooges
Three of a Kind1944Rosenbloom, Maxie60minGilbert, BillyHoward, Shemp
Thunder Bay1953Perry, Jack103minAmStewart, JamesDru, Joanne
Thunder Road1958Perry, Jack92minAmMitchum, RobertBarry, Gene
Thunderground (aka Boxcar Blues) 1989Lalonde, Donny 92minBVFFCopeman, MichaelCoufos, Paul
Tiger True1921Kaufman, Al 50minMayo, FrankBrunette, Fritzi
Tillie and Gus1933Glick, Joseph58minFields, W.C.Skipworth, Alison
Timber Traps, The1973Chissell, Noble Kid98minAmes, LeonAkins, Claude
Time Out for Murder1938Moran, Frank61minStuart, GloriaWhalen, Michael
Timebomb1991Palomino, CarlosMancini, Ray96minBVFFAmBiehn, MichaelKensit, Patsy
Tin Pan Alley1940Indrisano, John94minFaye, AliceGrable, Betty
To a Finish 1921McCoy, Kid50minJones, Buck Ferguson, Helen
To Hell and Back 1955Aragon, Art 106minBVFFMurphy, Audie Thompson, Marshall
To Kill a Mockingbird1962Chissell, Noble Kid129minPVPeck, GregoryPeters, Brock
To Mary - With Love 1936Chissell, Noble Kid87minBaxter, WarnerLoy, Myrna
To The Shores of Tripoli 1942Rosenbloom, Maxie 86minBVFFPayne, JohnO'Hara, John
To the Top 2016Kalllen, JackieKerecz, AngelaShea, Katt
Toast of New York, The 1937Perry, Jack109minAmArnold, EdwardGrant, Cary
Tobbagan 1934Carpentier, Georges Marchal, ArletteAmiot, Paul
Todd Killings, The 1971Robinson, Ray93minLyons, Robert F.Thomas, Richard
Tom Mix in Arabia 1922McCoy, KidMix, TomBedford, Barbara
Tom Tyler or Ten Weeks with a Circus1960Chissell, Noble Kid96minPVCorcoran, KevinCalvin, Henry
Tomorrow Comes Today2013Duddy, John 83minHuang, Shang-HoJade, Celina
Tony Rome 1967Graziano, Rocky Jack, Beau110minBVFFSinatra, FrankSt. John, Jill
Too Much, Too Soon1958Perry, Jack121minAmMalone, DorothyFynn, Errol
Top 100 Momements in Raw History, The 2012Tyson, Mike108min
Top Man1943Cartier, Walter 74minO'Connor, Donald Foster, Suzanna
Top of the Heap1972Norton, KenLewis, Hedgemon90minPVSt. John, ChristopherKelly, Paula
Topper1937Perry, Jack97minAmGrant, CaryBennett, Constance
Tough Guys 1985Lennon, Sr., Jimmy104minPVLancaster, BurtDouglas, Kirk
Tour de Pharmacy2017Tyson, Mike39min
Tournament, The 2005Pazienza, Vinnie Fraioli, VinAlvarado, Reed
Traficant: The Congressman of Crimetown2015Mancini, Ray88min
Trail of the Yukon1949Chissell, Noble Kid67minGrant, KirbyDalbert, Suzanne
Train Ride to Hollywood1975Lennon, Sr., Jimmy89minAmDraffen, Jr., WillisLove, Charles
Transporter 22005Briggs, Shannon87minPVYTStratham, Jason Valletta, Amber
Trap, The1959Indrisano, John84minPVWidmark, RichardCobb, Lee J.
Trapped1949Perry, Jack78minPVBridges, LloydPayton, Barbara
Treasure in the Hood2005Jones, Jr., RoyNoel, AndraeHopkins, Natascha
Triple Trouble 1950Glick, Joseph67minGorcey, LeoHall, Huntz
Trouble Chasers 1945Rosenbloom, Maxie 63minYTGilbert, BillHoward, Shemp
Trouble in the Glen1954McLaglen, Victor91minLockwood, MargaretWelles, Orson
Trouble Makers1948Indrisano, John66minGorcey, LeoHall, Huntz
Trouble Preferred1948Parry, Harvey63minKnudsen, PeggyRoberts, Lynne
Turn of Faith 2002Palomino, CarlosMancini, Ray96minBVFFAmSara, MiaMandyfor, Costas
Turnt2020Joshua, Anthony85minPVBerry, MarianHart, Torrei
Twilight of Honor1963Chissell, Noble Kid104minChamberlain, RichardAdams, Nick
Twinkle Twinkle1925Dempsey, Jack short
Twisted Nightmare1987Chissell, Noble Kid95minGray, RhondaHall, Cleve
Two Guys Abroad1962Rosenbloom, MaxieRaft, GeorgeTodd, Diane
Two Roaming Champs 1953Baer, Max Rosenbloom, Maxie 17minBoniface, SymonaConde, Rita
Two Tickets to Broadway1951Baer, Buddy106minMartin, TonyLeigh, Janet
Two Weeks in Another Town1962Indrisano, John107minPVDouglas, KirkRobinson, Edward G.
Two Wise Maids 1937Rosenbloom, Maxie 70minSkipworth, AlisonMoran, Polly
Tyler Perry's a Madea Family Funeral 2019Tyson, Mike109minPVPerry, TylerDavis, Cassi
Uncommon Valor 1983Cobb, Randall Tex105minBVFFHackman, GeneSwayze, Patrick
Unconquered1947Moran, Frank146minAmCooper, GaryGoddard, Paulette
Undefeated2003Olajide, Michael 92minBVFFLeguizamo, JohnCollins, Jr., Clifton
Under Pressure1935McLaglen, VictorJohnson, John Lester72minLowe, EdmundRice, Florence
Under the Yum Yum Tree1963Indrisano, John110minPVLemmon, JackLynley, Carol
Under Two Flags1936McLaglen, Victor112minColeman, RonaldColbert, Claudette
Undercover Man, The 2005Breland, Mark 117minGary, Jr., Jimmy Goines, Eddie
Unfaithfully Yours1948Moran, Frank105minPVHarrison, RexDarnell, Linda
Unholy Three, The 1925McLaglen, Victor86minChaney, LonBusch, Mae
Universal Solider: Day of Rekoning 2012Jones, Jr., Roy114minPVVan Damme, Jean-ClaudeLundgren, Dolph
Unmarried1939Roper, Jack63minTwelvetrees, HelenJones, Buck
Unseeing Eyes1923Johnson, Jack90minBarrymore, LionelOwen, Seena
Up Your Alley1971Barbi, Vincent70minCorsentino, FrankHaji
Upper Cutlets1936Moran, Frank18minCatlett, WalterMcHugh, Kitty
Utah Blaine 1957Baer, Max75minPVCalhoun, RoryCummings, Susan
Vegas Strip War (aka The Las Vegas Strip War) 1984King, Don 100minBVFFHudson, RockStone, Sharon
Veils of Bagdad, The1953Perry, Jack82minMature, VictorBlanchard, Mari
Very Important Pennis: Uncut1996Bruno, FrankEubank, Chris64minKaye, Paul
Vice 2000Cobb, Randall Tex87minHopkins, Bo Bahns, Maxine
Vigilantes of Boomtown 1947Simms, Eddie 56minPVLane, AllanBlake, Robert
Virginia City1940Chissell, Noble Kid121minPVFlynn, ErrolHopkins, Miriam
Virtual Weapon 1997Hagler, Marvin 90minHill, TerenceBlondet, Giselle
Virtuosity1995Buffer, Michael106minPlutoWashington, DenzilCrowe, Russell
Von Ryan's Express1965Silvani, Al117minPVSinatra, FrankHoward, Trevor
Wackness, The 2008Briggs, Shannon99minPVPeck, JoshKingsley, Ben
Walk Softly, Stranger1950Perry, Jack81minCotten, JosephValli, Alida
Walking Down Broadway1938Perry, Jack75minTrevor, ClaireBrooks, Phyllis
Walking Target, The 1960Parry, Harvey75minPVEvans, JohnFoster, Ron
Wall Street Cowboy1939Roper, Jack66minPVRogers, RoyHayes, George Gabby
War and Peace1956Barbi, Vincent208minPVHepburn, AudreyFonda, Henry
War of the Worlds, The 1953Callahan, Mushy85minPV-CBS AABarry, Gene Robinson, Ann
Warlock1959Chissell, Noble Kid121minPV-StarzWidmark, RichardQuinn, Anthony
Way of the Strong, The1928Perry, Jack61minLewis, MitchellDay, Alice
Way Out West1937Parry, Harvey65minPlutoLaurel, StanHardy, Oliver
We Who Are About to Die 1937Van, FrankieBloom, PhilGlick, JosephPerry, Jack81minFoster, PrestonDvorak, Ann
Wedding Bout, The 2003Kellerman, Max15minMahoney, CherylMichalak, Derek
Wee Wee Monsieur 1938Johnson, John Lester 18minHoward, MoeFine, Larry
Wee Willie Winkie1937McLaglen, Victor100minPVTemple, ShirleySmith, C. Aubrey
Welcome Home1920Kaufman, Al Harlan, OtisScott, Josephine
Welcome to Hollywood1998Holyfield, Evander89minAmRifkin, Adam
We'll Smile Again 1942Wells, Billy93minFlanagan, Bud Allen, Chesney
We're All Gamblers 1927Smith, Gunboat 70minMeighan, ThomasMilner, Marietta
We're Going to Be Rich1938McLaglen, Victor78minFields, GracieDonlevy, Brian
We're in the Money1935Moran, Frank66minBlondell, JoanFarrell, Glenda
West of Carson City 1940Roper, Jack56minMack, JohnnyBaker, Bob
Westbound 1959Hudkins, Ace 72minPVScott, RandolphMayo, Virginia
Western Gold 1937Lasky, Art 57minPVBallew, SmithAngel, Heather
Westward the Women1951Nova, Lou118minAmTaylor, Robert Darcel, Denise
Wharf Angel1934McLaglen, Victor65minDell, DorothyFoster, Preston
What a Way to Go!1964Nova, Lou111minPVMacLaine, ShirleyNewman, Paul
What a Woman!1943Indrisano, John94minPVRussell, RosalindAherne, Brian
What Did You Do in the War, Daddy? 1966Callahan, MushyBarbari, VincentChissell, Noble Kid116minPVCoburn, JamesShawn, Dick
What Price Glory1926McLaglen, Victor116minLowe, EdmundDel Rio, Delores
When Gale and Hurricane Meet 1923McCoy, Kid (Norman Shelby)O'Hara, GeorgeHorton, Clara
When Harry Met Sally 22011Tyson, Mike5minCrystal, BillyRyan, Meg
When Will I Be Loved 2004Tyson, Mike81minPVCampbell, NeveWeller, Frederick
Where Do We Go From Here?1945Glick, JosephBloom, PhilPerry, Jack74minMacMurray, FredLeslie, Joan
Where Love Has Gone1964Indrisano, John114minPVDavis, BetteHayward, Susan
Where the Sidewalk Ends1950Nova, Lou95minAmAndrews, DanaTierney, Gene
Which Way to the Front 1970La Starza, RolandBarbari, Vincent96minAmLewis, JerryMurray, Jan
While Paris Sleeps1932McLaglen, Victor67minMack, HelenBakewell, William
Whiplash1948Parry, Harvey91minAmClark, DaneSmith, Alexis
Whispering Smith1948Chissell, Noble Kid88minAmLadd, AlanPreston, Robert
Whistle Stop 1946McLaglen, Victor85minPVRaft, GeorgeGardner, Ava
Whistling in Brooklyn1943Steele, FreddieParry, Harvey87minPVSkelton, Red Rutherford, Ann
Whistling in the Dark1933Perry, Jack79minTruex, ErnestMerkel, Una
White Girl, The 1990Spinks, Michael 94minByer, TroyTaimak
White Hands 1922Kaufman, Al 60minBosworth, HobartMcKim, Robert
White Heat1949Perry, Jack114minPVCagney, JamesMayo, Virginia
White Hunter 1936Johnson, John Lester 65minBaxter, WarnerLang, June
Who's Got the Action?1962Indrisano, John93minPVMartin, DeanTurner, Lana
Wicked1931McLaglen, Victor57minLandi, ElissaMerkel, Una
Wide Open Faces 1938Perry, Jack67minAmBrown, Joe E.Wyman, Jane
Wife and Auto Trouble 1916Kaufman, Al 14minPVCollier, Sr., WilliamPayson, Blanche
Wild 90 1968Torres, Jose 90minMailer, NormanFarber, Buzz
Wild Harvest1947Moran, Frank92minLadd, AlanLamour, Dorothy
Wild Rebels, The 1967Pastrano, Willie 90minBVFFAlaimo, SteveVella, John
Winchester '731950Perry, Jack92minPVStewart, JamesWinters, Shelley
Wind Across the Everglades 1958Galento, Tony 93minBVFFIves, BurlPlummer, Christopher
Winds of Chance1925McLaglen, Victor122minNilsson, Anna Q.Lyon, Ben
Wine, Women, and Bong 1951Baer, Max Rosenbloom, Maxie 19minMcIntyre, ChristineBordeaux, Nanette
Wings 1927Smith, Gunboat 144minPVBow, Clara Rogers, Charles Buddy
Winning Ticket, The 1935Moran, FrankIndrisano, John70minCarrillo, LeoFazenda, Louise
Wise Girl1937Moran, Frank70minHopkins, MiriamMilland, Ray
Wise Guys 1986Mancini, Ray Antofuermo, Vito 100minBVFFDeVito, DannyPiscopo, Joe
Wishful Thinking 1990Mancini, Ray 94minBVFFLangston, MurrayJohnson, Michelle
Woman of the Year 1942Simms, Eddie 114minYTTracy, SpencerHepburn, Katharine
Woman They Almost Lynched1953Chissell, Noble Kid90minLund, JohnDonlevy, Brian
Woman to Woman1923McLaglen, Victor82minCompson, BettyBrook, Clive
Women and Diamonds1924McLaglen, VictorStuart, MadgeTurner, Florence
Women in the Wind1939Rosenbloom, Maxie63minFrancis, KayGargan, William
Women of All Nations1931McLaglen, Victor72minLowe, EdmundNissen, Greta
World For Ransom1954Nova, Lou82minDuryea, DanLockhart, Gene
World Moves On1934Moran, Frank104minPVCarroll, MadeleineTone, Franchot
Wrongly Accused 1912Smith, Gunboat Stanton, Richard Bracken, Mildred
Yahoo! News/Funny or Die2012Tyson, Mike13minCain, Herman
Yanks Are Coming, The 1942Rosenbloom, Maxie 65minKing, HenryHealy, Mary
Yellow Cab Man, The1950Indrisano, John85minPVSkelton, RedDeHaven, Gloria
You Can't Escape Forever 1942Parry, Harvey77minAmBrent, GeorgeMarshall, Brenda
You Can't Get Away with Murder1939Chissell, Noble Kid79minPVBogart, HumphreyPage, Gale
You Don't Mess with the Zohan2008Buffer, Michael113minPVSandler, AdamTurturro, John
You Will Believe: The Cinematic Saga of Superman 2006O'Halloran, Jack 89minAmHamm, SamGale, Bob
Young at Heart1954Chissell, Noble Kid117minPV-CBS AASinatra, FrankDay, Doris
Young Donovan's Kid1931Perry, Jack77minDix, RichardShilling, Marion
Young Man with Ideas 1952Simms, Eddie 84minFord, GlennRoman, Ruth
Young Savages, The 1961Silvani, AlChissell, Noble Kid103minPVLancaster, BurtMerrill, Dina
Young Stranger, The 1957Chissell, Noble Kid144minPVMacArthur, JamesHunter, Kim
Younger Brothers, The 1949Perry, Jack78minMorris, WaynePaige, Janis
Youngstown: Still Standing 2010Mancini, Ray89minO'Neil, EdCummmings, Jim
Your Cheatin' Heart 1964Callahan, Mushy99minPVHamilton, GeorgeOlivier, Susan
Youth on Parole1937Chissell, Noble Kid62minMarsh, MarianOliver, Gordon
Yumi Means Rain 2009Palomino, Carlos24minArribasplata, Angel AnibalCollongues, Helene
Zombie Strippers2008Lampley, Jim94minPVJameson, JennaEnglund, Robert


Please enter the name of the program, title of the episode, name of the boxer, name of the actor, the year, or other relevant keywords in the search window to generate archive results.

For the Television archive, you will find a column(s) for “viewing sources” listing certain codes indicating broadcasters who make content available for viewing. Items coded as PV or PV with a hyphenated suffix such as PV-HBO, or other designations such as Tubi and Hulu, etc. indicate the “channel” on which the television episode might appear. The codes in the TV archive are just a starting point for the possible availability of a specific episode in a series, and unfortunately, content provider listings frequently are not comprehensive. For example, a content carrier may presently make available certain episodes from a particular television series (ex. all season 1 episodes) but they do not have the specific episode that you want (ex. season 2, episode 3).


All listings indicate availability at the time of the creation of the data archive and may not reflect present listings. One should expect that availability will change. Unfortunately, some content may be removed from availability. However, new content is being added all the time, and the trend seems to be that a steadily increasing number of programs/episodes are becoming available.


Note: The programming availability designations below are non-exclusive. The fact that a particular entry is not coded by the other designating parties, does not necessarily mean that they or other entities do not possess that content.  




Am (Amazon), BBC America, BHFLVN (Boxing Hall of Fame Las Vegas Nevada), Bravo Now

BVFF (Boxing Video Fight Finder), Crackle, FOX NOW, Hulu, IFCFU (IFC Films Unlimited)

Pluto (PlutoTV), PV (Prime Video), PV-Ameba, PV-BHD (Broadway HD), PV-AcornTV, PV-Best of BT (Best of British Television)

PV-BS (Brown Sugar), PV-BTE (Best TV Ever), PV-BWE (Best Western Ever), PV-Britbox, PV-CBS AA (CBS All Access)

PV-Cinemax, PV-CT (ConTV), PV-DC (Dove Channel), PV-DU (Destination Unknown), PV-Epix, PV-Fandor

PV-FM (Full Moon), PV-HBO, PV-His Vault (History Vault), PV-MT (Motor Trend), PV-MTV Hits, PV-Seeso

PV-SFTV (Shout! Factory TV), PV-SHO (Shotime), PV-SR (Strand Releasing), PV-Starz

PV-YA (Yoga Anytime), Tubi, UCN (Undisputed Champion Network), YT (YouTube), YT-P (a partial program on YouTube)




BVFF (Boxing Video Fight Finder) – BVFF is one of the World’s premiere holder of boxing content. For more information about television programming and other content go to:


YT – Programs coded YT indicate they have been posted on YouTube. Postings on YouTube are regularly added and removed and our YT designation reflects postings at the time of the creation of the archive. A caveat with YouTube (YT) is that often the postings are not listed under the official name of a program. They are often listed under key search words such as a fighter(s) name, or the television star and this should be considered when searching YouTube.     


BHOFLVN – Programs coded BHOFLVN have been reported by The Boxing Hall of Fame, Las Vegas, Nevada. For more information on the Hall of Fame and their vast collection of historic boxing content go to: